School of Engineering

Graduates the engineering leaders of tomorrow...

Strategic Plan

SOE Strategic Goals

The school of engineering at LAU embraces strategic planning to achieve its mission, adhere to its vision and abide by its core values. To this end, the school of engineering formulated strategic goals that are independent, mutually supportive and firmly linked to the goals of LAU SP III. Our strategic goals are to:

Brief Description of Strategic Goals

Strategic Goal 1:  Improve Student Learning

To fulfill its mission of commitment to academic excellence and student centeredness, the school of engineering will take the necessary measures to improve student learning by: integrating active learning in its curricula; exploring tools that motivate student achievement in the classroom; developing a framework for team teaching; expanding the offering of signature and honor courses; engaging students in leadership and entrepreneurship experiences; developing intra- and inter-school programs; and assessing teaching effectiveness.

Strategic Goal 2:  Build Sustainable Research

The school of engineering will build a sustainable research environment by: identifying niche research areas and establishing clusters; providing incentives for faculty to apply for extramural funding; promoting technology transfer and applied research; expanding/strengthening graduate programs; and establishing visiting scholar programs.

Strategic Goal 3:  Strengthen Services and Outreach

The school of engineering is committed to strengthening services and outreach by: rewarding faculty actively involved in services; creating summer camps for high school students; developing a mentorship program for women in engineering; and strengthening relationship with SOE alumni.

Strategic Goal 4:  Expand External Collaborations

In order to assertively respond to the pressure of globalization and the new roles of academic institutions of higher education, the school of engineering will expand its external collaborations by: strengthening collaboration with industry; expanding internship programs with local and international partners; and exploring collaborative Ph.D. programs.

Strategic Goal 5:  Improve Faculty Welfare

As the school of engineering embarks on its third strategic plan for the next five years, improving faculty welfare will be a key priority entailing: revision of the faculty evaluation system; revision of the faculty promotion guidelines for better alignment with the strategic plan; leveraging of LAU’s New York headquarters for scholarly recruitment; and development of a white paper on faculty collegiality.

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