Community Tech

Community Tech

The LAU School of Engineering is committed to making a difference beyond the classroom. From inspiring the next generation of engineers through K-12 summer programs, to helping engineering professionals make a career move or make an impact on their organization through workshops that advance their careers and increase their earning potential.


Inspire the Next Generation of Engineers

The LAU School of Engineering offers high quality engineering education summer programs for K-12 students with the goal to engage Lebanon’s K-12 students and create pathways that encourage them to become technically savvy, prepare for studies in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)-related fields and pursue careers in engineering.

If you are sitting in a middle school cafeteria and aren’t yet sure about the future, check out our LAU Engineering Robotics and Virtual Reality Summer School.

If you are sitting in a high school physics class and do not realize that engineering is an option or maybe they think that it’s out of reach—that it’s too difficult, come join our Engineering Summer Camp.

Professional Workshops

The LAU School of Engineering offers high quality continuing education workshops for professional engineers. Whether you’re an individual seeking career advancement or an organization aiming for excellence or business process improvements, our training workshops equip you with tools to help you succeed.

We offer multiple professional workshops throughout the year by renowned LAU Engineering faculty and industry experts, that provide you with a meaningful, industry-recognized certification. Check out the list of our upcoming Professional Workshops.
