George E. Nasr
Professor and Provost
Electrical and Computer
Renewable Energy, Communications, Networks, And Signal Processing
Michel Khoury
Professor and Dean of the School of Engineering
Industrial and Mechanical
Renewable Energy
wind turbines, turbulence modeling, bluff body aerodynamics, aerodynamics, renewable energy
Caesar Abi Shdid
Associate Professor, and Associate Dean
Petroleum, Civil, Chemical
concrete pipes, masonry structures, deep foundations
Dani Tannir
Associate Professor and Assistant Dean
Mechatronics, Electrical and Computer
Integrated Circuits And Vlsi
integrated circuits, nonlinear circuits, modeling, simulation, RF circuits simulation, distortion analysis
Chadi Abou Rjeily
Professor, Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, and Director of Research and Graduate Programs at the School of Engineering
Electrical and Computer
Communications, Networks, And Signal Processing
Jimmy Issa
Associate Professor, and Chair of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering
Mechatronics, Industrial and Mechanical
Renewable Energy
vibration suppression, vibration absorbers
Mahmoud Wazne
Professor and Chair of Civil Engineering Department
Sustainability And Environmental Engineering, Renewable Energy
Jean Chatila
Associate Professor, Coordinator of the Petroleum and Chemical Engineering Programs
Petroleum, Civil
Sustainability And Environmental Engineering
hydraulics, hydrology, hydraulics of water treatment, wastewater treatment, life cycle assessment
Harag Margossian
Associate Professor, Program Coordinator of Mechatronics Engineering
Mechatronics, Electrical and Computer
Sustainability And Environmental Engineering, Renewable Energy
Pierrette Zouein
Associate Professor, and Program Coordinator of Industrial Engineering
Industrial and Mechanical
Sustainability And Environmental Engineering, Decision Systems
Maria Abi Saad
Assistant Professor of Practice
Electrical and Computer
Integrated Circuits And Vlsi
Computer architecture, high-performance computer architecture, high-level synthesis, digital design, electronic design automation, timing, optimization
Grace Abou-Jaoude Estephan
Associate Professor
Sustainability And Environmental Engineering, Decision Systems
process improvement, sustainable mobility, dynamic modeling, technology policy, energy, environment
Lina Abou-Abbas
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning
Machine learning, Deep learning, EEG, ECG, Seizure detection, Social media, Sentiment analysis, Speech recognition
Gilbert Accary
Associate Professor
Industrial and Mechanical
Sustainability And Environmental Engineering
Modeling, Wildfires, Fire behavior, CFD, High-performance computing, Turbulence, Heat transfer, Fluid mechanics
Barbar Akle
Associate Professor, Associate Provost for International Education and Programs, and Executive Director of NY Academic Center
Mechatronics, Industrial and Mechanical
Robotics And Automation, Manufacturing And Ergonomics
smart materials, electroactive materials, ionic polymer metal composites, ipmc, sensors, actuators, exoskeleton, orthosis, buoyancy engine
Ali Ammouri
Director of the LAU Industrial Hub, Assistant Professor of Practice
Mechatronics, Industrial and Mechanical
Robotics And Automation, Manufacturing And Ergonomics
friction stir welding, friction welding, gamification, computer aided design
Rita Awwad
Associate Professor
Sustainability And Environmental Engineering, Renewable Energy, Decision Systems
sustainability, construction bidding, simulation, agent based modeling, risk behavior, contractors, dispute resolution
Elie Badr
Professor and Vice President for Business Development and Global Affairs
Industrial and Mechanical
Rolland Bejjani
Associate Professor
Industrial and Mechanical
Manufacturing And Ergonomics
advanced manufacturing, cutting tools, coatings, material characterization, composites, cryogenics, tribology, ultrasonic devices, PVD, CVD, cemented carbides
Elie R. Chalhoub
Assistant Professor
Petroleum, Chemical
Sustainability And Environmental Engineering, Renewable Energy, Petroleum And Chemical Engineering, Catalysis And Reactions
Kinetic & computational modeling, Fermentation, Biofuels, Liver Metabolism, Power generation, Carbon capture
Amne El Cheikh
Assistant Professor
Industrial and Mechanical
Renewable Energy
wind turbines, phase change materials, turbulence modeling, multiphase flows
Nagham El Ghossein
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer
Renewable Energy
Batteries; Energy Storage; Power
Akram El Tannir
Associate Professor of Practice
Industrial and Mechanical
Decision Systems
Optimization; decision systems
Nissrine El Hassan
Associate Professor
Petroleum, Chemical
Renewable Energy, Petroleum And Chemical Engineering, Nanotechnology, Catalysis And Reactions
Catalysis and Reactions; Nanomaterials; Renewable Energy; Chemical Engineering
Evan Fakhoury
Assistant Professor and Assistant Director of the LAU Industrial Hub
Mechatronics, Industrial and Mechanical
Virtual Reality And Perception Systems
virtual reality, VR, augmented reality, AR, human-computer interaction, haptic feedback, user experience, user-interface design
Nadim Farajalla
Associate Professor and University Chief Sustainability Officer
Sustainability And Environmental Engineering, Renewable Energy
Sustainability; Climate Change: resilience, vulnerability, adaptation; Water Resources: resource management, infrastructure
Wissam Fawaz
Electrical and Computer
Transportation And Mobility, Communications, Networks, And Signal Processing
VANET, FSO, communication systems
Raymond Ghajar
Electrical and Computer
Renewable Energy, Decision Systems
energy policy, offshore exploration, water strategy, wastewater strategy, fuel supply, fuel trading, energy mix
Wassim Habchi
Industrial and Mechanical
Renewable Energy
tribology, elastohydrodynamic lubrication, finite elements
Marc Haddad
Associate Professor
Industrial and Mechanical
Transportation And Mobility, Sustainability And Environmental Engineering, Manufacturing And Ergonomics, Decision Systems
systems thinking, lean manufacturing, system dynamics modeling, policy analysis, sustainable mobility, environmental assessment, energy assessment, lifecycle costs
Camille Issa
Sustainability And Environmental Engineering, Structures And Materials
concrete, CFRPE, poxyfinite elements, seismic analysis, seismic design
Hamza Jaffal
Assistant Professor
Sustainability And Environmental Engineering
Soil improvement, Suspension flow, Rheology, Grouting
Dima Fares El-Khalil
Electrical and Computer
Sustainability And Environmental Engineering, Renewable Energy, Decision Systems
Renewable energy, Intelligent Energy Management Systems, Micro-Grid Design
Noel J. Maalouf
Assistant Professor
Mechatronics, Electrical and Computer
Virtual Reality And Perception Systems, Robotics And Automation
robotics, biomimetics, environment perception, assistive robotics, legged robots, virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality
Mazen Nakad
Assistant Professor
Petroleum, Chemical
Sustainability And Environmental Engineering
Environmental Fluid Dynamics; Plant Hydraulics; Ecosystem Modeling; Environmental Engineering; Water Resources
Zahi Nakad
Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer
Communications, Networks, And Signal Processing
Pierre Rahme
Associate Professor
Industrial and Mechanical
Structures And Materials, Renewable Energy
Composite Materials, Drilling, Damage Tolerance, Delamination, Finite Elements
Samer Saab
Professor and Dean of Graduate Studies and Research
Electrical and Computer
Robotics And Automation
Samer Saab Jr
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning
Machine learning, Deep learning, Neural network optimization
Abdallah Sfeir
Professor Emeritus
Industrial and Mechanical
Renewable Energy
Ehab Shayya
Assistant Instructor
Electrical and Computer
Mazen Tabbara
Associate Professor
Structures And Materials
archaeoseismology, masonry, earthquakes, stability, blocky structures, monuments
Charbel Dalely Tawk
Assistant Professor
Industrial and Mechanical
Robotics And Automation
Soft Robotics, Soft Sensors, Soft Actuators, Human-Machine Interfaces, Grippers, Prosthetic Hands
Miriam Tawk
Assistant Professor
Sustainability And Environmental Engineering, Structures And Materials
Waste Materials, Green Construction Materials, Geomechanics
Joe M. Tekli
Associate Professor and Assistant Provost for Strategic Planning and Academic Initiatives & Partnerships
Electrical and Computer
Robotics And Automation, Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning
semi-structured data, multimedia data, structure similarity, semantic similarity, clustering, classification, knowledge bases, search, retrieval
Zisis Vryzas
Assistant Professor
Petroleum, Chemical
Petroleum And Chemical Engineering, Nanotechnology, Drilling Engineering
drilling engineering, drilling fluids, formation damage, rheology, fluid loss