CPR Commander: An Automatic Chest Compression Device

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a technique used to rescue patients suffering from sudden cardiac arrest. However, this method has proven to be ineffective due to its low survival rates. This lack of successful treatment is due to the fact that this method is prone to errors, especially human errors, which degrade the patients’ condition instead of improving it. This includes inadequate compressions that fail to properly ventilate the lungs and a lack of accuracy when following the steps involved in the CPR procedure.

The goal behind our capstone project is to decrease the margin of error during the procedure as well as increasing the patients’ chances of survival. This has led us to the creation of our automatic CPR machine, also known as the “CPR commander”. This device is meant to automate the entirety of the CPR procedure, by performing the needed compressions through a piston mechanism, at the proper rate and with the right depth that is not always available using manual CPR.

Furthermore, the device is also meant to aid the rescue team complete the entire CPR procedure with as much precision as possible; this is accomplished through a special guidance system that will deliver the needed instructions and information for each step of the CPR procedure. This device is meant to decrease the probability of errors and ensure the patient’s safety by giving them the necessary treatment and care that allows them to survive another day.

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