Design of a Sewer Network and a Wastewater Treatment Plant
The project’s objective is to develop a sewer network that connects two communities in Bekaa, Lebanon, to a planned treatment plant. The villages were called Aiha and Kfarkouq. I contributed to the sewer network design for the village of Aiha located in Rashaya. A sewer system is a system of lift stations and pipelines that enables the collection of water from residential homes and commercial buildings within a certain area. To be treated, the collected water is sent to a wastewater treatment facility. Because they offer a good method of managing wastewater, sewer networks are a necessary piece of infrastructure. In addition to Microsoft Excel, which was utilized for manual computations and contrasted with Sewer CAD, Sewer CAD software was utilized for design. Additionally, the entire excavation volume was computed using Excel, and the required pumps were made to provide the required power and head loss. Pumps were finally chosen from the Grundfos Pumps website.
Project Details
- Student(s): Samer Nacouzi, Joseph El Khoury Diab, Khalil Saliba and Rita Nassif
- Advisor(s): Dr. Jean Chatila, Dr. Camille Issa and Dr. Mahmoud Wazne
- Year: 2024-2025