
Lectures by guest speakers

Energy, tribology and computer-aided engineering were the highlights of the lectures given to Industrial & Mechanical Engineering students during the academic year 2008–2009.

The presentation entitled “Energy & Environment Challenges: A Threat or an Opportunity?” attempted to answer questions about air emissions, world energy and climate change, as well as to stimulate awareness of these challenges. The speaker was Dr. Ziad Habib (photo below, left), Corporate Director of Process Development at Lhoist Group in Belgium.


In April, Dr. Philipe Vergne (photo above, right) from the Contact and Structures Laboratory at the INSA de Lyon gave a talk on recent research in lubrication and on prospective student opportunities at his institution.

Finally, Mr. Eddy Fadel from MSC Software and Mr. Mohammad Reda from Promech Egypt gave a talk on computer-aided engineering in the Middle East. The presentation detailed technically how manufacturers are reducing costs and time to market, yet improving product design, quality and reliability by means of computer-aided engineering.