
Drilling Simulation Lab

The safety of our future petroleum engineers is of utmost importance, hence why we train them on how to deal with challenges that could face them while present on the rig. Petroleum student at LAU learns how to safely drill to extract oil and gas from the reservoir onshore or offshore using full-size drilling simulation equipment.

This lab is equipped with Driller’s Console where the driller learns how to safely drill while monitoring the weight on the bit and controlling the pumps, drill bit speed, adding and removing pipes, etc.

The student learns how to control a kick using the Choke Control Panel, how to control the well using the B.O.P Control Panel, and how to direct the flow into the desired location using the Standpipe Manifold and Choke Manifold. In addition, this lab offers the student two stations to mix the mud.

The above equipment work altogether to enable an efficient safe drilling process.