Automatic Guitar Tuner

The Automatic Guitar Tuner project aims to revolutionize the traditional method of guitar tuning by introducing an innovative system that automates the process. Developed as part of a Capstone Design Project at the Lebanese American University, this system leverages a Raspberry Pi 4 microcontroller, a mini-USB microphone, and a servo motor to perform accurate tuning adjustments based on frequency analysis of guitar string vibrations. By eliminating the need for manual tuning, the system offers musicians a convenient, reliable, and precise tuning solution, especially beneficial in remote or offline settings where access to traditional tuning aids might be limited.

The project involves designing, implementing, and evaluating the automatic tuner, with the current focus on tuning the High E string as a proof of concept. The system’s hardware integration, signal processing algorithms, and mechanical stability have demonstrated promising results in achieving accurate tuning adjustments. Future work includes expanding the system’s capability to tune all guitar strings, optimizing performance, and exploring commercialization opportunities to bring this innovative solution to a broader market.

Project Details
