
The primary goal of the Sentinus project is to revolutionize navigation for the blind and visually impaired through a state-of-the-art, user-friendly platform. This platform, encompassing a smart
cane and a complementary blind-firendly application, leverages advanced technologies such as SLAM (using the RTABMAP algorithm), a RealSense D435i depth camera, and software
predominantly developed in a microservices architecture, containerized with Docker and communicating through ROS.
The system’s core functionality lies in its ability to generate optimal paths and navigate through a scanned environment, enabling effective indoor navigation. This groundbreaking feature allows for the customization of businesses and public spaces, like malls and restaurants, making them more accessible to the visually impaired, as well as the option for individuals to create private maps of personal spaces like homes, for their exclusive use. Initial results demonstrate the system’s high accuracy in mapping and efficiency in pathfinding, promising significant
advancements in autonomous navigation for the blind. Through optimization iterations, higher accuracy and lower overall costs are achieved.
Sentinus is not just a technological innovation; it is a step towards a more inclusive and accessible world, empowering visually impaired individuals

Project Details
