Smart Prayer Mat

This project is done as part of the Capstone Design Project courses of the computer engineering curriculum at the Lebanese American University. The project is a prototype prayer mat that guides children through all the stages of prayer along with providing their parents with the necessary performance statistics. Over the semesters, research and hardware trials were done to achieve optimal solutions. The project will be using three force sensing sensors. Depending on the location along with the output force we can detect the prayer stage. An Arduino will be used to read the output of the sensors. Moreover, red and green LEDs will turn on and off depending on the correctness of the prayer sequence. A rotary switch is available to enable the child to choose the prayer. An LCD screen is installed to print the chosen prayer, and number of Rakaa, and provide feedback in case of error (type of error and correct posture). As for the software, a computer vision model will monitor the prayer and generate posture sequence and duration accuracies. Also, the user will be guided by a video animation which will also play his customized prayer and surah.
For more accuracy, image processing will be used to recognize the prayer’s posture using OpenCV and MediaPipe libraries.

Project Details
