Course Descriptions IME
Undergraduate Industrial Engineering courses
(effective fall 2009)
INE212 Computer Applications in INE [1-2, 2 cr.] This is an introductory course on computer applications in Industrial engineering. Course covers LINGO as a general purpose modelling language for writing and solving mathematical programs for INE applications; MATLAB including array definitions and manipulations, user-defined functions, plotting and built-in functions for data analysis and MATLAB Optimization and Statistics toolbox; and Excel for data analysis, statistical tests, design of experiments, and statistical quality control and process improvements. Prerequisites: COE 212 Engineering programming, GNE333 Engineering Analysis. Co-requisite: INE307 Introduction to Deterministic OR models.
INE302 Linear Programming [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the formulation of linear programming problems, simplex method, duality, and sensitivity analysis. Prerequisite: GNE333 Engineering Analysis I.
INE307 Deterministic OR models [3-0, 3 cr.] Introduction to deterministic OR modeling. Optimization modeling: decision variables, objective functions, and constraints. Models include linear programs, integer programs, transportation and assignment problems, simple network problems. Methods include simplex method, transportation simplex, shortest path, minimum cost flow, and maximum flow problems. Prerequisites: GNE333 Engineering Analysis I, COE 212 Engineering Programming.
INE308 Stochastic OR models [3-0, 3 cr.] Introduction to discrete Markov chains and continuous Markov Processes, including transient and limiting behavior. The Poisson/Exponential process. Conditional probabilities and conditional expectations. Applications to reliability, maintenance, inventory, production, simple queues and other engineering problems. Introduction to decision theory, risk, utility and decision trees. Prerequisites: GNE331 Probability and Statistics.
INE320 Engineering Economy I [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers equivalence and interest formulae, real world transactions, present worth analysis, annual equivalent worth, rate of return analysis, depreciation, inflation, and cost/benefit ratio. Prerequisite: Third year standing.
INE340 Advanced Statistics [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers single factor experiments, randomized blocks, Latin squares, introduction to factorial designs, 2k factorial blocking and confounding, and forecasting. Prerequisite: GNE331 Probability and Statistics.
INE346 Production Systems I [3-0, 3 cr.] Course is an introduction to subjects that span the industrial engineering curriculum and that are covered in greater detail in more advanced courses. Subjects covered are Forecasting, EOQ, safety stock, Process design, Aggregate Planning, facilities planning and logistics, quality control, human factors, ergonomics and work design, principles of Industrial Management and Project management. Prerequisites: GNE331 Probability and Statistics, INE 307 Deterministic OR models.
INE362 Manufacturing Processes [3-0, 3 cr.] This course offers a balanced quantitative and qualitative coverage of manufacturing processes: Casting, Material Removal, Deformation, Welding and Assembly. Course presents an overview of engineering materials, primary-manufacturing processes and includes projects tailored towards using manufacturing processes for obtaining functional products. Prerequisite: MEE321 Material Properties and Processes.
INE363 Manufacturing Lab [0-3, 1 cr.] Lab provides students with hands on experience in the use of traditional mechanical workshop equipment and software for manufacturing drawings generation. Students are also introduced to CNC Programming. Co-requisite: INE362 Manufacturing Processes.
INE402 Optimization [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers queuing theory and models, linear programming, integer programming, transportation/allocation, assignment, inventory, annealing, networks, dynamic programming, forecasting, and simulation techniques. Prerequisite: GNE333 Engineering Analysis I.
INE407 Network Flow [3-0, 3 cr.] Networks; shortest/longest path; decision trees; network flow. Prerequisites: INE307 Deterministic OR models or Consent of instructor.
INE410 Work Design and Measurement [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers methods engineering, operation analysis, worker and machine relationships, productivity measures, time study, time standards, allowances, work sampling, predetermined time systems, learning curves, wage payment, safety and risk factor identification. Prerequisites: Fourth year standing
INE414 Human Factors in Engineering [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers information input and processing, auditory and visual and tactual displays, motor skills, human factors in systems design, physical work and MMH, hand tools and devices, work place design, illumination, and climate and noise considerations. Prerequisite: Fourth year standing.
INE416 Ergonomics [3-0, 3 cr.] Course covers the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system; anthropometry; manual work design; lifting; motion study; workstation, tools, and tasks design; displays & controls design; machine user interfaces; environmental stress assessment (noise, heat, illumination); toxicology; cognitive work design; operations analysis; worker and machine relationships; productivity measures; time standards; allowances; work sampling; predetermined time systems; learning curves; wage payment; safety and risk factor identification; worker motivation; job evaluation; job compensation. Prerequisites: Third year standing. [Effective Fall 2017]
INE417 Ergonomics Lab [0 -3, 1 cr.] Course provides students with hands-on experience in the use of the state of the art ergonomics equipment and software for virtual human modeling. Prerequisites: INE416 Ergonomics.
INE428 Project Management [3-0, 3 cr.] Course covers topics on organization structures, project manager-line manager interface, manager’s role as planning agent, skill requirements for project manager, management functions, team building as an ongoing process, concurrent engineering as a PM approach, TQM as a PM approach, effective team communication and communication traps, project communication, effective time management, managing conflicts and conflict resolution, ethics obligation matrix and ethics for project managers, project planning, project time management, activity planning, CPM scheduling, and resource allocation. Course includes a team project to plan and schedule the implementation of a selected project. Corequisite: GNE303 Engineering Ethics [Effective Fall 2017].
INE428 Project Management [3-0, 3 cr.] Course covers topics on organization structures, project manager-line manager interface, manager’s role as planning agent, skill requirements for project manager, management functions, team building as an ongoing process, concurrent engineering as a PM approach, TQM as a PM approach, effective team communication and communication traps, project communication, effective time management, managing conflicts and conflict resolution, ethics obligation matrix and ethics for project managers, project planning, project time management, activity planning, CPM scheduling, and resource allocation. Course includes a team project to plan and schedule the implementation of a selected project. Prerequisites: GNE305 Professional Ethics.
INE438 Facilities Planning & Logistics [3-0, 3 cr.] Course covers topics in flow measurements and analysis, flow planning, activity planning and relationships, layout planning, single facility location models minimax and minisum facility location, multiple facility location, process capacity analysis, materials handling capacity analysis, facilities planning in the context of supply chain design and supply chain excellence.Prerequisites: INE446 Production Systems II.
INE440 Advanced Statistics [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers single factor experiments, randomized blocks, Latin squares, introduction to factorial designs, 2k factorial blocking and confounding, and forecasting. Prerequisite: GNE331 Probability and Statistics.
INE442 Quality Control [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the modeling process quality, inferences about process quality, statistical process control, types of control charts, acceptance sampling, and process capability analysis. Prerequisite: INE 346 Production Systems I.
INE446 Production Systems II [3-0, 3 cr.] Course covers topics on Inventory analysis, Forecasting, Machine Scheduling, sequencing, cycle time, material control, Manufacturing systems, e.g., cellular, group technology, flexible, lean, JIT, MRP, and ERP. Concurrent engineering and design for manufacturing. Prerequisites: INE 346 Production Systems I.
INE450 Simulation [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers random number generation, random variety generation, components of discrete event simulation, learning simulation software, and the simulation of simple systems: queuing, inventory, manufacturing, QC, transportation, layout. Prerequisites: COE212 Engineering Programming or COE211 Computer Programming, and INE308 Stochastic OR Models.
INE451 Simulation Lab [0-2, 1 cr.] Lab course complements the course INE450 simulation. This lab provides students with hands-on experience in the use of state of the art simulation tools and programs such as ARENA. Prerequisites: INE 450 Simulation.
INE491 Seminar on Contemporary issues in INE [2-0, 2 cr.] This is a seminar course covering contemporary issues in Industrial Engineering. Students are asked to research contemporary subjects in the field and present findings to the class. Prerequisites: Fourth year standing.
INE498 Professional Experience [0-6, 6 cr.] This course covers professional experience, through training in the execution of real-life engineering projects. Prerequisite: Fifth Year standing, and the consent of the Instructor.
INE505 Dynamic Programming [3-0, 3 cr.] This is a course on the theory and practice of dynamic programming. Topics covered in Deterministic DP: Shortest path algorithms including label setting and correcting, A*, and solution horizon approaches, with applications in resource allocation, knapsack problem, capacity expansion, equipment replacement, and traffic routing; Infinite decision trees and dynamic programming networks with cycles. Topics covered in Stochastic DP are stochastic shortest path problem and Markov decision processes. Applications include asset divesture, capital budgeting, portfolio selection, inventory control, systems reliability, and maximization of expected utility with constant risk posture. Prerequisites: INE307 Deterministic OR models,INE308 Stochastic OR Models and consent of instructor.
INE506 Decision Analysis [3-0, 3 cr.] Decision analysis; game theory; Bayesian decision theory; utility theory. Prerequisites: GNE331 Probability and Statistics.
INE521 Engineering Economy II [3-0, 3 cr.]This course deals with the uncertainty, breakeven analysis, sensitivity analysis, probabilistic risk analysis, and accounting principles. Pre-requisites: INE320 Engineering Economy I and fourth-year standing.
INE522 Cost Engineering and Control [3-0, 3 cr.] Cost engineering for construction organizations, projects, and operations. Construction financing; break-even, profit, and cash flow analyses; capital budgeting. Equipment cost and procurement decisions. Construction financial accounting, cost accounting, cost control systems, databases. Cost indices, parametric estimates, unit price proposals, measuring work and settling claims. Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
INE523 Financial Engineering [3-0, 3 cr.] Introduction to financial models: mean-variance analysis, portfolio selection, separation theorems, capital asset pricing, arbitrage pricing, derivative security pricing, bond management. Modeling, analysis, and computation of derivative securities. Applications of stochastic calculus and stochastic differential equations. Numerical techniques: finite-difference, binomial method, and Monte Carlo simulation. Prerequisites: INE308 Stochastics OR Models and fourth-year standing.
INE527 Project Scheduling [3-0, 3 cr.] Basic critical path planning and scheduling with arrow and precedence networks; introduction to resource levelling and least cost scheduling including time-cost trade-off analysis; schedule control. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor or Fourth year standing.
INE529 Project Contracting [3-0, 3 cr.] construction contracting for contractors, owners, and engineers. (1) Industry structure, (2) Types of contracts and delivery systems of construction, (3) Planning, estimating, quantity takeoff and pricing, labor and equipment estimate; (4) Proposal preparation; students use contract documents to prepare detailed estimate. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor or Fourth year standing.
INE541 Quality Management Systems [3-0, 3 cr.] Course covers Total Quality Management theories and application, Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) and six sigma approaches, DMAIC, Auditing, ISO standards and ISO certification. Prerequisites: INE442 Quality Control and fourth-year standing.
INE542 Supply Chain Management [3-0, 3 cr.] Special topics of current interest; Treatment of new developments in various areas of industrial engineering as warranted; Network Design in a Supply Chain; Demand Forecasting and Aggregate Planning; Transportation Networks; Sourcing. Prerequisites: INE346 Production Systems I and fourth-year standing.
INE544 Inventory Analysis [3-0, 3 cr.] Continuous/periodic/deterministic/stochastic inventory models; materials requirements planning (MRP); just-in-time production systems; assembly systems; flexible manufacturing distribution systems. Prerequisites: INE446 Production Systems II or Consent of instructor.
INE548 Machine Scheduling [3-0, 3 cr.] Basic single machine problem (BSMP); flow shop scheduling with setup cost (TSP); vehicle routing. Prerequisites: INE446 Production Systems II or Consent of instructor.
INE563 CAD/CAM [3-0, 3 cr.] This course introduces students to the use of product lifecycle management (PLM) software packages for sketching, drafting, modeling, assembly and prototyping. Course includes projects tailored towards using software to the design and manufacturing of a physical product. Prerequisite: INE362 Manufacturing Processes.
INE591 Project I [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers selected engineering project using acquired technical knowledge, formal report, and presentation. Prerequisites: Fifth year standing and INE362 Manufacturing Processes, INE450 Simulation , INE446 Production Systems II. Corequisite: INE428 Project Management and INE593 Capstone Engineering Design.
INE592 Project II [3-0, 3 cr.] Advanced engineering project using acquired technical knowledge; formal report, and presentation. Prerequisites: INE591 Project I, Consent of the instructor and Fifth year standing.
INE593 Capstone Engineering Design [1-0, 1 cr.] The course will reinforce and integrates topics covered in other courses in the curriculum and used in engineering design. Topics covered include need identification and problem definition, managing the design process, team behavior and group dynamics, design research and information gathering, concept generation and evaluation, risk, reliability, and safety, legal and ethical issues in design, communicating the design.Prerequisites: course to be given Concurrent with INE591 Project I.
INE594 Undergraduate Research project [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers advanced engineering undergraduate research project, using acquired technical knowledge, formal report, and Presentation. Prerequisites: Fourth year standing and the consent of the instructor ; GPA ≥ 3.0.
INE599 Topics in Industrial Engineering [3-0, 3 cr.] Treatment of new development, in various areas of industrial engineering. Prerequisites: Fourth year standing.
INE599A Lean Manufacturing [3-0, 3 cr.] This is an introduction course for all engineering disciplines. The course focuses on the concepts, principles, tools and techniques of Lean Manufacturing. Examples from the manufacturing environment and administrative functions will be utilized to explain key concepts. Prerequisites: INE346 Production Systems I and fourth-year standing.
INE599D Intro to System Dynamics [3-0, 3 cr.] This course introduces you to system dynamics modeling for the analysis of policy and strategy in an industrial context. System dynamics allows us to abstract complex situations down to a level where we can visualize the long-term side effects of decisions, and systematically explore new strategies and policies that increase performance and reduce undesirable side effects. We use role playing games, simulation models and case studies to develop sound principles of policy design for successful management of complex strategies. Prerequisites: INE346 Production Systems I and fourth-year standing.
INE599G Six Sigma [3-0, 3 cr.] This is an introduction course for engineering disciplines. The course focuses on the concepts, principles, tools and techniques of Six Sigma. Examples from the manufacturing environment and administrative functions will be utilized to explain key concepts. Prerequisites: INE442 Quality Control and fourth-year standing.
INE599I Industrial Eng. App. In Services Industries [3-0, 3 cr.] This is an introduction course for all engineering disciplines. The course focuses on the application of Industrial Engineering tools and principles to improve the quality and productivity of service industries such as restaurants, banks, hotels, health care, etc. This course includes lecture, case studies as well as project. Prerequisites: INE346 Production Systems I and fourth-year standing.
INE599K Risk Assessment and Management [3-0, 3 cr.] Risk assessment and management is the identification, analysis, and prioritization of risks; as well as the coordinated treatment of risk to prevent, minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of undesirable events and consequences. Areas covered include the principles and applications of risk assessment and management in the context of engineering management and systems engineering. This course is about the systematic approach to the management of risk as applied to engineering, operations, and management decisions Students will be prepared to function in a business environment, developing an awareness of the challenges, the tools, and the process of designing and implementing risk assessment and management strategies. Prerequisite: GNE331 Probability and Statistics and fourth-year standing .
INE599M Renewable Energy [3-0, 3 cr.] A course that covers the principles of emerging renewable technologies, including solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydropower and other energy sources. A premise of the course is that a renewable energy technology must both be technically feasible and economically viable. At the conclusion of the course, students will have a solid technical and economic understanding of these energy technologies. Prerequisite: fourth-year standing.
INE599Q Risk Management in Healthcare [3-0, 3 cr.] In an evolving environment with a growing complexity of healthcare organizations, comes new sets of risks and a new dimension of risk management. This course will go through the main concepts of conventional risk management and their implementation in the organizational structure of healthcare institutions. You will get acquainted with healthcare structures, challenges and concerns at the introductory level and go over the implementation of risk management techniques in this specific environment. Prerequisite: fourth-year standing.
INE599R Queuing Theory & Application [3-0, 3 cr.] This course is an introduction to congestion and related stochastic models. Topics include birth and death models, measures of performance, Little’s Law, conservation law, PASTA, work in system, service disciplines and priorities, regenerative processes, stability and stationary distributions, approximations and bounds. Examples from telecommunications, production, inventory, and computer science, are covered. Prerequisites: GNE 331 probability and statistics and INE308 Stochastic OR Models. Prerequisite: fourth year standing.
INE599S Topics: Optimal Resource Allocation Methods in industrial Systems [3-0, 3 cr.] This class is an introduction to resource allocation methods using systematic approaches based on mathematical models and cost-benefit analysis. These methods allow planners determine the optimal allocation that offers the most value and impact. Topics include traditional traffic models, in addition to novel intelligent dynamic models. These models can be used for efficient capacity planning and resource allocation in assembly systems consisting of dedicated and reconfigurable lines, in call centers, and in transportation. These methods can also be used by industrial support teams to make better staffing decisions while maintaining constraints. Prerequisites: GNE 3331 Probability and Statistics and fourth year standing
INE599U Micro & Surface Engineering [3-0, 3 cr.] This course centers on the micro world of surface engineering science, emphasizing how modifying material surfaces at micro and nano scales can significantly enhance performance and durability. Techniques such as ceramic coating, micromachining, ultrasonics, and laser pulse treatment are employed to improve surface functionality. These approaches play a crucial role in the innovation of manufactured products at small scales. Applications span across high-tech sensor development, electronics, micro-engines, and hydrophobic surfaces, with relevance to various industries, including biomedical, electronics, aerospace, and ceramic coatings. Prerequisites: INE362 Manufacturing processes.
INE599V Environmental Impact Assessment [3-0, 3 cr.] Study and evaluation of the impacts of large scale projects on the quality of the physical, biological, and socio-economic environment taking into account environmental laws and regulations and EIA guidelines, identification of impacts, quantification methods, mitigation measures, and monitoring plans. Case study involving the preparation of an EIA report including sustainability impact assessment and effects of climate change. Prerequisite: consent of instructor or fourth-year standing.
INE599W Construction Cost Engineering [3-0, 3 cr.] Construction financial accounting for construction organizations, projects, and operations, generally accepted accounting principles, preparation of financial statements, project progress monitoring and cost controlling, break even analysis, profit, earned value, construction accounts and end-of-period closing; cost indices, parametric estimates, and analysis of financial ratios. Prerequisites: INE428 Project Management and INE529 project Contracting.
INE599X Green Engineering [3-0, 3 cr.] This course explores the pivotal role of innovative green engineering practices in enhancing product value, minimizing pollution, and reducing costs. It covers key topics including the Green Economy, Green Business, Green Marketing, Green Finance, Green Design, and Green Cities. Additionally, the course examines Economic Efficiency versus Profitability, methods for Quantifying Internal and External Costs, Assessing Environmental Degradation Costs, and the integration of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) strategies. Prerequisite: fourth-year standing.
Graduate Industrial Engineering courses
INE700 Advanced Statistics [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers single factor experiments, randomized blocks, Latin squares, introduction to factorial designs, 2k factorial blocking and confounding, and forecasting.
INE701 Linear Programming [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the formulation of linear programming problems, simplex method, and duality and sensitivity analysis.
INE702 Integer Programming [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers integer programming, and general search techniques. Prerequisite: INE701 Linear Programming
INE703 Dynamic Programming [3-0, 3 cr.] This is a course on the theory and practice of dynamic programming. Topics covered in Deterministic DP: Shortest path algorithms including label setting and correcting, A*, and solution horizon approaches, with applications in resource allocation, knapsack problem, capacity expansion, equipment replacement, and traffic routing; infinite decision trees and dynamic programming networks with cycles. Topics covered in Stochastic DP are stochastic shortest path problem and Markov decision processes. Applications include asset divesture, capital budgeting, portfolio selection, inventory control, systems reliability, and maximization of expected utility with constant risk posture. Prerequisites: INE701 Linear Programming.
INE704 Stochastic Processes [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers Markov decision processes, and chains stochastic processes. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
INE705 Non-linear Programming [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers nonlinear/continuous optimization methods. Prerequisite: INE701 Linear Programming.
INE706 Decision Analysis [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers decision analysis, game theory, Bayesian decision theory, and utility theory.
INE707 Network Flow [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers networks, shortest/longest path, decision trees, and network flow. Prerequisites: INE701 Linear Programming
INE708 Queuing Theory and Applications [3-0, 3 cr.] This course is an introduction to congestion and related stochastic models. Topics include birth and death models, measures of performance, Little’s Law, conservation law, PASTA, work in system, service disciplines and priorities, regenerative processes, stability and stationary distributions, approximations and bounds. Examples from telecommunications, production, inventory, and computer science, are covered. Prerequisite: INE704 Stochastic Processes or consent of the instructor.
INE709 Advanced Stochastic Processes [3-0, 3 cr.] This course is an introduction to martingales in continuous time. Brownian motion: construction, basic properties, sample paths. Stochastic integration, Its rule, and applications, are discussed. The course is an introduction to stochastic differential equations and diffusion processes. Applications to financial economics: option pricing, and consumption/investment problems, are also covered. Prerequisite: INE704 Stochastic Processes.
INE711 Advanced Simulation [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers an analysis of simulation data: input and output, validation and verification of system design, comparing alternative system configuration, simulation of complex systems, and case studies. Prerequisites: INE704 Stochastic Processes or consent of the instructor.
INE721 Cost Engineering and Control [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers cost engineering for construction organizations, projects, and operations, it also covers construction financing, break-even, profit, and cash flow analyses, capital budgeting, equipment cost, and procurement decisions. Construction, financial accounting, cost accounting, cost control systems, and databases, as well as cost indices, parametric estimates, unit price proposals, measuring work, and settling claims are also covered. Prerequisites: INE729 Project Contracting or consent of the instructor.
INE722 Infrastructure Management [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the general methods of engineering systems management, and the different types of infrastructure. The course analyzes possible financing, and engineering, solutions and alternatives, and the overall management during the life cycle of the project. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
INE724 Quality Management Systems [3-0, 3 cr.] This course is an introduction to quality management systems, ISO 9000, 14000, Total Quality Management, and the applications of QMS to the engineering, and management, of large projects, systems, and organizations. Prerequisite: INE742 Quality Control I or Consent of the Instructor.
INE727 Project Scheduling [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the basic critical path planning, and scheduling with arrow and precedence networks, introduction to resource leveling, and least cost scheduling ,including time-cost tradeoff analysis and schedule control. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor.
INE729 Project Contracting [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the construction contracting for contractors, owners and engineers. The course also covers industry structure, the types of contracts and delivery systems of construction, planning, estimating, quantity takeoff and pricing, labor and equipment estimate, and the proposal preparation. Students use contract documents to prepare detailed estimates. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor.
INE741 Lean Manufacturing [3–0, 3 cr.] This is an introduction course for all engineering disciplines. The course focuses on the concepts, principles, tools and techniques of Lean Manufacturing. Examples from the manufacturing environment and administrative functions will be utilized to explain key concepts. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
INE742 Quality Control I [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the modeling process quality, inferences about process quality, statistical process control, types of control charts, acceptance sampling, and process capability analysis. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor.
INE743 Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the concepts and basic background for evaluating the reliability of engineering systems. It covers network modeling and evaluation of simple and complex systems, cut-set method, tie-set method, multi-failure modes. Probability distributions in reliability evaluation and system reliability evaluation using probability distributions are discussed. Also, discrete and continuous Markov chains (reliability evaluation in repairable systems), frequency and duration techniques (concepts, applications to multistate problems, frequency balance approach) and the Monte Carlo simulation, are covered. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor.
INE744 Inventory Analysis [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the continuous/periodic/deterministic/stochastic inventory models, Materials Requirements Planning (MRP), just-in-time production systems, assembly systems, and flexible manufacturing distribution systems. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
INE745 Facilities Planning and Layout [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the process product and schedule design, determining activity relationships and space requirements, mathematical layout models and computerized layout algorithms, location and assignment models, storage spaces and warehouse design, design of non-manufacturing facilities, airport design and the evaluation of alternative design. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor.
INE746 Materials Handling [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the materials handling equipment; selection and design of material handling systems, simulation, and interface with facilities layout. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
INE748 Machine Scheduling [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the Basic Single Machine Problem (BSMP); flow shop scheduling with setup cost (TSP); vehicle routing. Prerequisites: INE701 Linear Programming or Consent of the instructor.
INE749 Transportation and Supply Chain Systems [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the topics of supply chain characterization, site location, mode selection, distribution planning, vehicle routing, demand management, replenishment management, geographic information systems, and real-time control issues. Prerequisites: INE701 Linear Programming or Consent of the instructor.
INE761 Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the use of computer-aided design software packages, including systems for computer-aided drafting, solid modeling, finite element analysis, and computer-aided manufacturing, and design projects including the fabrication of physical prototypes generated with numerically controlled machines. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
INE762 Analysis of Automated Manufacturing Systems [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the development of analytical stochastic models as the basis for understanding the performance, and the design/planning aspects of automated manufacturing systems. The course focuses on flow lines, job shops, and flexible manufacturing systems. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
INE763 Advanced Information Technology for Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers advanced information technology concepts, tools, and techniques, for designing, and implementing, manufacturing systems. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
INE764 Time Series Control & Process Adjustment [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the statistical analysis and design of process adjustment methods for quality improvement purposes. Topics include ARIMA time series models, autocorrelation and SPC, integration of SPC schemes and feedback control, identification and estimation of transfer function models, design and analysis of optimal stochastic controllers, PID and EWMA controllers, self-tuning and multivariate control. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
INE765 Intro to Systems Dynamics [3-–0, 3 cr.] This course introduces you to system dynamics modeling for the analysis of policy and strategy in an industrial context. System dynamics allows us to abstract complex situations down to a level where we can visualize the long-term side effects of decisions, and systematically explore new strategies and policies that increase performance and reduce undesirable side effects. We use role playing games, simulation models and case studies to develop sound principles of policy design for successful management of complex strategies. Pre-requisite: Consent of the instructor.
INE771 Financial Engineering [3-0, 3 cr.] This course is an introduction to financial models: mean-variance analysis, portfolio selection, separation theorems, capital asset pricing, arbitrage pricing, derivative security pricing, bond management, modeling, analysis, and computation of derivative securities. Applications of stochastic calculus and stochastic differential equations are covered, as well as numerical techniques: finite-difference, binomial method, and Monte Carlo simulation. Prerequisites: INE704 Stochastic Processes.
INE772 Advanced Financial Engineering [3-0, 3 cr.] This course is a review of basic mathematics, including renewal theory and stochastic calculus,Martingale approach to Black-Scholes formula, optimal stopping and American options, pricing of continuous and discrete exotic options, term structure models and pricing of bond options, jump diffusion models, and applications, including pricing of real and electricity options, and hedging of real options. Prerequisites: INE709 Advanced Stochastic Processes.
INE773 Risk Assessment and Management [3–0, 3 cr.] Risk assessment and management is the identification, analysis, and prioritization of risks; as well as the coordinated treatment of risk to prevent, minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of undesirable events and consequences. Areas covered include the principles and applications of risk assessment and management in the context of engineering management and systems engineering. This course is about the systematic approach to the management of risk as applied to engineering, operations, and management decisions Students will be prepared to function in a business environment, developing an awareness of the challenges, the tools, and the process of designing and implementing risk assessment and management strategies. Pre-requisite: Consent of the instructor.
INE781 Engineering Economy II [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the principles of investing, including investment strategies, investment in stocks and bonds. Project risk and uncertainty with focus on break-even analysis, decision trees, and sequential investment decisions, are discussed. Capital budgeting, including the choice of minimum attractive rate of return under capital rationing, evaluation of multiple investment alternatives and capital budgeting with limited budgets are covered, as well as the Monte Carlo Simulation. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
INE800 Project Course [3-0, 3 cr.] This course is an applied design course. Design reviews and a final oral presentation with a written report are required. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor.
INE801 Special Topic Courses [3-0, 3 cr.] Topics of current interest selected by instructor.
INE810 Special Topics in Optimization [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers topics of current interest in optimization, selected by instructor. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor.
INE810 Special Topics in Infrastructure & Construction Management [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers topics of current interest in infrastructure, and construction management, selected by instructor. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor.
INE810A Topics: Optimal Resource Allocation Methods in industrial Systems [3-0, 3 cr.] This class is an introduction to resource allocation methods using systematic approaches based on mathematical models and cost-benefit analysis. These methods allow planners determine the optimal allocation that offers the most value and impact. Topics include traditional traffic models, in addition to novel intelligent dynamic models. These models can be used for efficient capacity planning and resource allocation in assembly systems consisting of dedicated and reconfigurable lines, in call centers, and in transportation. These methods can also be used by industrial support teams to make better staffing decisions while maintaining constraints.
INE820 Special Topics in Infrastructure & Construction Management [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers topics of current interest in infrastructure, and construction management, selected by instructor. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor.
INE840 Special Topics in Production Systems & Manufacturing [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers topics of current interest in production systems and manufacturing, selected by instructor. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor.
INE860 Special Topics in Computational Modeling and Data Analytics [3–0, 3 cr.] This course covers topics of current interest in computational modelling and data analytics, selected by the instructor. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
INE870 Special Topics in Finance & Economics [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers topics of current interest in finance, and economics, selected by the Instructor. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor.
INE899 Thesis [6-0, 6 cr] This research-based thesis course involves independent work performed by students, and leading to original contribution to knowledge. Topic selection is to be agreed upon in consultation with a Faculty Advisor. The student is limited to one thesis course per degree. Pre-requisite: Consent of the instructor, GNE798 Research Methods.
Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering courses
(effective fall 2009)
MEE211 Engineering Graphics [0-2, 1 cr.] An introduction in the basics of 2D drafting, sketching and pictorial views, orthographic multiviews, auxiliary and section views, dimensions, drawing layouts and presentations. Basic use of a computer aided drafting software (such as AutoCAD).
MEE212 Computer Applications in MEE [1-2, 2 cr.] This course is designed to introduce students to computational software such as MATLAB and Excel. Students will learn how to write MATLAB programs for Mechanical engineering applications and to use Excel Solver to optimize problems. Array definitions and manipulations, user-defined functions, solution of ordinary and partial differential equations, plotting and several built-in functions will be covered. Excel Data Analysis ToolPak will be used for Design of Experiments analysis and statistical tests. Prerequisites: COE212 Engineering Programming and GNE333 Engineering Analysis.
MEE241 Dynamics [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers kinematics, and kinetics of particles, systems of particles, and kinetics of rigid bodies.Prerequisites: MTH201 Calculus III, and CIE200 Statics.
MEE301 Thermodynamics [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the basic concepts of work and heat, systems and control volumes, pure substances, equation of state, first law for systems, steady flow energy equation, second law for systems and control volume, and entropy. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.
MEE302 Energy Conversion [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the performance and design considerations of energy conversion systems, the design and performance problems involving steam, gas turbine, and combined cycle power plants, and the reciprocating and rotary engines. Prerequisite: MEE301 Thermodynamics.
MEE311 Fluid Mechanics [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers fluid statics, analysis of fluid motion using the continuity, momentum, and energy, relationship, and the introduction to viscous flow. Prerequisite: MEE241 Dynamics.
MEE312 Fluid Mechanics Lab [0-3, 1 cr.] This course entails laboratory experiments in fluid mechanics. Concurrent with MEE311 Fluid Mechanics.
MEE320 Strength of Materials [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers mechanical propertiesm and behavior of stressed materials, stress analysis of beams, columns and shafts, statically indeterminate structures, plane stress and strain, and principal stresses. Prerequisite: CIE200 Statics.
MEE321 Material Properties and Processes [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the mechanical, and physical, properties of engineering materials (metals, ceramics, and polymers), which are explained through their structures. Topics include strength and ductility, crystal structures and defects, phases, and heat treatment. The course includes a revision of theories and principles of atomic structure and chemical bonding. Prerequisite: sophomore standing.
MEE332 Manufacturing Processes [3-0, 3 cr.] This course offers a balanced quantitative and qualitative coverage of manufacturing processes: Casting, Material Removal, Deformation, Welding and Assembly. Course presents an overview of engineering materials, primary-manufacturing processes and includes projects tailored towards using manufacturing processes for obtaining functional products.. Prerequisite: MEE321 Material Properties and Processes.
MEE333 Manufacturing Lab [0-3, 1 cr.] Lab provides students with hands-on experience in the use of traditional mechanical workshop equipment and software for manufacturing drawings generation. Students are also introduced to CNC Programming.. Co-requisite: MEE332 Production Processes and Machinery.
MEE341 Kinematics Machines [3‑0, 3 cr.] This course covers kinematics of mechanical devices, displacement, velocity and acceleration of linkages, cams and gear trains, and an introduction to synthesis, design, and computer problems. Prerequisites: MEE241 Dynamics and MEE351 Computer Aided Design.
MEE351 Computer Aided Design [2-2, 3 cr.] This course covers the numerical design chain encompassing conceptual design techniques & methodologies, sketching, geometrical modeling, design specifications and product assembly. Course includes projects tailored towards using CAD software for designing mechanical engineering products. Pre-requisites: MEE211 Engineering Graphics.
MEE390 Instrumentation and Measurements [1-3, 2cr.] This course covers data acquisition, design of experiments, and laboratory safety, selection of instruments for experiments, informal and formal report writing, statistics of large samples applied to fixed and dynamic response of instruments, and the use of instrumentation software. Prerequisite: ELE305 Introduction to Electrical Engineering, GNE331 Probability ans Statistics.
MEE391 Instrumentation and Measurements [2-3, 3cr.] Data acquisition; design of experiments and laboratory safety; selection of instruments for experiments; informal and formal report writing; statistics of large samples applied to fixed and dynamic response of instruments; use of instrumentation software. Prerequisites: ELE 305 Introduction to electrical engineering, GNE 331 Probability and Statistics
MEE392 Machine Shop [0-3, 1cr.] This course provides students with hands-on experience in the use of workshop equipment using modern machine tools, precision measuring tools, and hand tools. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.
MEE401 Energy Systems [2-0, 2 cr.] This course introduces students to the concept of sustainability in the context of energy use. It stresses on the different aspects involved in our daily-life use of energy: environmental, societal, political, financial, etc. It covers technologies and means used in improving the sustainability of current fossil-fuel (coal, oil and gas) based energy systems, electric and nuclear systems by reducing their environmental and societal impacts. Finally, it introduces different renewable (‘clean’) energy technologies that can be used as alternatives to traditional (‘dirty’) energy systems. Prerequisite: Third Year standing.
MEE403 Heat Transfer [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the transfer of heat by conduction, radiation and convection, and the analysis of steady state, and simple transient heat processes, and the evaporation, boiling, and condensing, heat transfer. Prerequisites: MTH304 Differential Equations, MEE311 Fluid Mechanics.
MEE404 Heat Transfer Lab [0-3, 1 cr.] This course entails laboratory experiments in heat transfer. Prerequisites: GNE331 Probability and Statistics; Concurrent with MEE403 Heat Transfer.
MEE407 Internal Combustion Engines [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the principles, practice, and characteristics, of internal combustion engines, with laboratory demonstrations in engine testing, and performance. The laboratory entails experiments in internal combustion engines. ;Prerequisite: MEE302 Energy Conversion.
MEE408 Internal Combustion Engines Lab [0-3, 1 cr.] This course entails laboratory experiments in internal combustion engines. Concurrent with MEE407 Internal Combustion Engines.
MEE414 Thermal Systems design [3-0,3 cr.] This course covers the analysis and design of thermal systems using the principles developed in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. Students develop computer programs to solve open-ended thermal design problem. Prerequisites: MEE403 Heat Transfer and MEE301 Engineering Thermodynamics.
MEE422 Mechanical Engineering Design [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers application of engineering design process to the design of mechanical components, subsystems and machines, problem solving techniques, ethics, and patents. Prerequisite: MEE320 Strength of Materials.
MEE442 Mechanical Vibrations [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers kinematics, and force analysis of machine and machine elements, balancing, critical speed, flywheel design, and dynamic measurement, and design and computer problems. Prerequisites: MEE341 Kinematics Machines, and MTH304 Differential Equations.
MEE443 Mechanical Vibrations Lab [0-3, 1 cr.] This course entails laboratory experiments in machine dynamics. Prerequisites: GNE331 Probability and Statistics; Concurrent with MEE442 Mechanical Vibrations.
MEE445 Control Systems [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers control system design of mechanical systems, emphasis on thermal, fluid, and motion, systems under feedback control, and classical control topics, including lap-lace transforms, system modeling, stability theory, and practical applications to professional practice. Prerequisites: GNE333 Engineering Analysis I; Concurrent with MEE442 Mechanical Vibrations.
MEE446 Control Systems Lab [0-3,1 cr.] The Control Systems lab provides experiential training of the methods used in modeling, analysis, simulation, and control of engineering systems. Students will design and implement controllers using modern Instruments and software. Prerequisites: MEE391 Instrumentations and measurements; concurrent with MEE445 Control systems.
MEE491 Seminar on Contemporary Issues in MEE[2-0,2 cr.] This is a seminar course covering contemporary issues in Mechanical Engineering. Students are asked to research contemporary subjects in the field and present findings to the class. Prerequisites: Third year standing.
MEE498 Professional Experience [0-6, 6 cr.] This course covers professional experience through training in the execution of real-life engineering projects. Prerequisites: Fifth Year standing, and the consent of the instructor.
MEE500 Renewable Energy [3-0, 3 cr.] A course that covers the principles of emerging renewable technologies, including solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydropower and other energy sources. A premise of the course is that a renewable energy technology must both be technically feasible and economically viable. At the conclusion of the course, students will have a solid technical and economic understanding of these energy technologies. Prerequisites: MEE 403 Heat Transfer.
MEE502 Passive Building Design [3-0, 3 cr.] This course centers on issues surrounding the integration of Sustainable and Passive Design principles, into conceptual and practical Building design. Topics will include: solar geometry, climate/regional limitations, natural lighting, passive design and sustainability initiatives, natural ventilation and infiltration, insulating and Energy Storing Material, Bioclimatic concept and design. Case studies will be used as a vehicle to discuss the success/failure of ideas and their physical applications. The course will focus on the use Energy Auditing as a means to both design and evaluate the energy performance of buildings.
MEE503 Power Plant Engineering [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the economics of power generation, steam and gas turbine power cycles, combined power plants, Geothermal Power plants, fuel and combustion analysis and mechanisms, steam generators, condensers, Hydro-electrical power plant, diesel engine power plant, Energy and Availability analysis, and field trips. Prerequisites: MEE302 Energy Conversion, and MEE414 Thermal Systems Design.
MEE505 Solar System Design [3-0, 3 cr.] The course covers fundamentals of solar energy and its utilization in photovoltaic (PV) systems. The solar PV systems, from cells to grids, are addressed, with a particular emphasis on the challenges of grid-integration of PV and the development of storage technologies. Projects assist students with understanding solar PV system layouts and costs, calculating PV system size, and identifying appropriate system design for a given electrical demand. The course explores economic considerations and return on investment, touching on solar PV system costs for residential and commercial use. Prerequisite: MEE391 Instrumentation and Measurement, or ELE401 Electronics I.
MEE506 Vehicle Powertrain Systems [3-0, 3 cr.] Fundamentals, design and modeling of conventional and advanced hybrid electric power trains for a sustainable mobility. Prerequisites: MEE407 Internal Combustion Engines; MEE341 Kinematics of Machines; MEE302 Energy Conversion.
MEE507 Advanced Powertrain Systems [3-0, 3 cr.] Fundamentals, design and modeling of advanced hybrid electric powertrains for a sustainable mobility. Prerequisites: MEE506 Advanced powertrain.
MEE508 Intro to Sust. Energy [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers treatment of new development in various areas of mechanical engineering.
MEE513 Gas Turbines [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the design and performance of stationary and propulsion gas turbines. Prerequisite: MEE302 Energy Conversion.
MEE514 Computational Fluid Dynamics [3-0, 3 cr.] This course focuses on introducing variety of computational techniques for solving the equations governing the fluid motion, with special emphasis on finite difference and finite volume methods. Theoretical background will be covered with focus on accuracy and stability of numerical schemes, as well as their application in real fluid problems. Students are expected to write their own codes and employ commercial software such as ANSYS Fluent. Applications will cover compressible inviscid and incompressible viscous flows. Prerequisites: MEE212 Computer Applications in MEE and MEE403 Heat Transfer.
MEE515 Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers principles of vapor compression and absorption refrigeration, heat pumps, psychrometric, principles of thermal comfort, and environmental aspects, determination of heating and cooling loads, and air conditioning system design and analysis. Prerequisites: MEE403 Heat Transfer and MEE301 Thermodynamics.
MEE516 Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Lab [0- 3, 1 cr.] This course entails laboratory experiments in refrigeration and air-conditioning. Concurrent with MEE515 Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning.
MEE517 Turbo Machinery [3-0, 3 cr.] This course introduces the basic principles of modern turbo machinery. Emphasis will be placed on the design of turbines, compressors, pumps and fans. Therefore, applications of the principle of the fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and aerodynamics are vital to this course. Prerequisites: MEE302 Energy Conversion, and MEE414 Thermal Systems Design.
MEE519 Piping Network and Fire Protection Systems [3-0, 3 cr.] This course concentrates on the design and calculations of pipe network, plumbing, and Fire-fighting systems including cold and hot water distribution for building and commercial applications, sanitary systems, rain water systems, sewer pumps and fire suppression systems… The course provides the ME students an opportunity to enhance and learn how to read and draw mechanical plans and specifications based on codes and standards. Troubleshooting techniques will also be introduced and special attention will be paid for fire-fighting techniques. Prerequisites: MEE414 Thermal Systems Design.
MEE520 Composite of Materials [3-0, 3 cr.] Introduction to the Mechanics of Composite Materials: Fiber and Matrix Properties, Micro-and Macro-mechanics. Prerequisites: MEE 320 Strength of Materials or MEE321 Material Properties and Processes
MEE521 Finite Element Methods [3-0, 3 cr.] This course introduces a numerical technique used in the solution of PDE governed problems. Applications cover solid mechanics, fluid dynamics and heat transfer problems in 1D. The course provides an insight on the extension to 2D and 3D problems. Bar, truss, beam and frame elements are covered in solid mechanics applications. Computer program development for the solution of 1D problems. Use of state of the art commercial finite element software (COMSOL Multiphysics). Prerequisites: GNE333 Engineering Analysis I, and MEE320 Strength of Materials.
MEE532 Advanced Manufacturing and AI [3-0, 3 cr.] This course will cover the new and advanced manufacturing methods. It will cover different scales of manufacturing down to Nano scale. Fuzzy Logic (AI) will be introduced and applied for Manufacturing processes. Prerequisites: MEE332 Manufacturing processes.
MEE533 Advanced CAD/CAM [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the application of the design process to design and manufacture engineering products throughout the different steps of specification, behavioral modeling, design analysis, material selection, prototyping, manufacturing and testing. The course requires extensive usage of PLM software packages to the design and manufacturing of a mechanical design problem. Pre-requisite: MEE332 Manufacturing Processes, MEE351 Computer Aided Design; 5th year standing.
MEE535 Micro & Surface Engineering [3-0, 3 cr.] This course centers on the micro world of surface engineering science, emphasizing how modifying material surfaces at micro and nano scales can significantly enhance performance and durability. Techniques such as ceramic coating, micromachining, ultrasonics, and laser pulse treatment are employed to improve surface functionality. These approaches play a crucial role in the innovation of manufactured products at small scales. Applications span across high-tech sensor development, electronics, micro-engines, and hydrophobic surfaces, with relevance to various industries, including biomedical, electronics, aerospace, and ceramic coatings. Prerequisites: MEE332 Manufacturing processes
MEE536 Plastics Manufacturing [3-0, 3 cr.] Introduction to polymeric materials; categories; morphologies; fillers and additives. Physical and Mechanical properties of plastics. Plastics Testing. Plastics processing: injection molding; extrusion; expansion; thermoforming; blow molding. Injection time cycle; shrinkage of molded plastics. Flow rate calculation of molten plastics. Single and twin screw extrusion. Extrusion screw elements. Metering flow rate in extrusion Rheology. Prerequisite: Fifth year standing.
MEE540 Introduction to Robotics [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the fundamental concepts in Robotics such as coordinate transformation, forward and inverse kinematics, dynamics, Laplace transforms, equations of motion, feedback and feedforward control, and trajectory planning. It also covers End-of-arm sensing and introduce intelligent robots, including computer vision and introductory artificial Intelligence. Prerequisite: Fifth year standing.
MEE543 Acoustics and vibration control [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the acoustic momentum, energy and intensity, propagation, reflection and absorption, effects of the physical properties, transmission of sound in real media, forced and free vibration systems, with one or more degrees of freedom, vibration isolation, and transmission applied to problems of rotating, and reciprocating, machinery, and design problems on vibration isolation systems, and absorbers. Pre-requisite: MEE442 Mechanical Vibrations.
MEE547 Robotics and Intelligent Systems [3-0, 3 cr.] This course introduces fundamental concepts in Robotics. The course discusses basic concepts, including coordinate transformation, kinematics, dynamics, Laplace transforms, equations of motion, feedback and feedforward control, and trajectory planning. These topics will be exemplified with Matlab/Simulink simulation studies. The second part of the course will introduce intelligent robots, including computer vision and introductory artificial Intelligence. Pre-requisites: MEE341 Kinematics and Dynamics of Linkages, and MEE445- Control System.
MEE549 Automotive Dynamics [3-0, 3 cr.] Vehicle Classification; Longitudinal Vehicle Dynamics; Vehicle Load Transfer; Vehicle Acceleration Performance; Vehicle Braking Performance; Road Loads; Vehicle Aerodynamics; Tire Dynamics; Steady-State Cornering; Suspensions; Steering System. Pre-requisites: MEE241 Dynamics; MEE311 Fluid Mechanics; MEE351 Computer-Aided Design
MEE570 CFD for Wind Energy Engineering [3-0, 3 cr.] This is an introductory course to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques for modelling, simulating, and analyzing practical problems related to wind engineering. The course covers theoretical background associated with both CFD tools and wind turbines, including real-world applications using commercial software packages used in industry. Pre-requisite: MEE 311 Fluid Mechanics; Fifth year standing.
MEE590 Energy Audit [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the survey of energy sources, cost analysis, alternatives, environmental issue, audit techniques, and technical reporting. Prerequisite:MEE403 Heat Transfer.
MEE591 Project I [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers selected engineering project using acquired technical knowledge, formal report, and presentation. Prerequisites: Fifth year standing and MEE332 Manufacturing Processes, corequisites: MEE414 Thermal Design Systems, MEE422 Mechanical Engineering Design, INE428 Project Management and MEE593 Capstone Engineering Design.
MEE592 Project II [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers advanced engineering project, using acquired technical knowledge, formal report, and presentation. Prerequisites: Fifth year standing and MEE591 Project I.
MEE593 Capstone Engineering Design [1-0,1 cr.] Course reinforces and integrates topics covered in other courses in the curriculum and used in engineering design. Topics covered include need identification and problem definition, managing the design process, team behavior and group dynamics, design research and information gathering, concept generation and evaluation, risk, reliability, and safety, legal and ethical issues in design, communicating the design. Corequisites: Project I.
MEE594 Undergraduate Research project [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers advanced engineering undergraduate research project, using acquired technical knowledge, formal report, and Presentation. Prerequisites: Fifth year standing and the consent of the instructor.
MEE599 Topics in Mechanical Engineering [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the treatment of new development in various areas of mechanical engineering. Prerequisite: Fifth Year standing.
MEE599AO Green Engineering [3-0, 3 cr.] This course explores the pivotal role of innovative green engineering practices in enhancing product value, minimizing pollution, and reducing costs. It covers key topics including the Green Economy, Green Business, Green Marketing, Green Finance, Green Design, and Green Cities. Additionally, the course examines Economic Efficiency versus Profitability, methods for Quantifying Internal and External Costs, Assessing Environmental Degradation Costs, and the integration of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) strategies. Prerequisite: fifth-year standing.
Graduate Mechanical Engineering courses
MEE700 Renewable Energy [3-0, 3 cr.] A course that covers the principles of emerging renewable technologies, including solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydropower and other energy sources. A premise of the course is that a renewable energy technology must both be technically feasible and economically viable. At the conclusion of the course, students will have a solid technical and economic understanding of these energy technologies.
MEE701 Energy Audit [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the survey of energy sources, cost analysis, alternatives, environmental issue, audit techniques, and technical reporting.
MEE702 Passive Building Design [3-0, 3 cr.] This course centers on issues surrounding the integration of Sustainable and Passive Design principles, into conceptual and practical Building design. Topics will include: solar geometry, climate/regional limitations, natural lighting, passive design and sustainability initiatives, natural ventilation and infiltration, insulating and Energy Storing Material, Bioclimatic concept and design. Case studies will be used as a vehicle to discuss the success/failure of ideas and their physical applications. The course will focus on the use Energy Auditing as a means to both design and evaluate the energy performance of buildings.
MEE703 Power Plant Engineering [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the economics of power generation, steam and gas turbine power cycles, combined power plants, Geothermal Power plants, fuel and combustion analysis and mechanisms, steam generators, condensers, Hydro-electrical power plant, diesel engine power plant, Energy and Availability analysis, and field trips.
MEE704 Applied Solar Energy [3-0, 3 cr.] The course covers fundamentals of solar energy and its utilization in thermal and photovoltaic systems. This includes review of basic heat transfer concepts, solar energy availability, solar thermal collectors, thermal and photovoltaic systems’ design. It will also include an introduction to wind energy resources and utilization.
MEE705 Internal Combustion Engines [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the principles, practice, and characteristics, of internal combustion engines, with laboratory demonstrations in engine testing and performance. The laboratory entails experiments in internal combustion engines.
MEE706 Vehicle Powertrain Systems [3-0, 3 cr.] Fundamentals, design and modeling of conventional and advanced hybrid electric power trains for a sustainable mobility.
MEE707 Advanced Powertrain Systems [3-0, 3 cr.] Fundamentals, design and modeling of advanced hybrid electric powertrains for a sustainable mobility. Prerequisite: MEE706 Vehicle Powertrain Systems.
MEE708 Intro to Sustainable Energy [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers treatment of new development in various areas of mechanical engineering.
MEE709 Sustainable Architecture [3-0, 3 cr.]This course covers issues surrounding the integration of energy-sustainable and passive design principles into conceptual and practical building designs.
MEE710 Advanced Fluid Mechanics [3-0, 3 cr.] The course covers the principals and methods of fluid mechanics. Topics include kinematics of fluids, conservation equations, two-dimensional potential flow theory, circulation and vorticity theorems, free shear layer and boundary layer stability, boundary layer and flow separation. Laminar-turbulent boundary layer transition, secondary flows, introduction to turbulent flow, steady and unsteady stall.
MEE711 Boundary Layer Theory [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the effect of viscosity in near-wall flows. Topics include continuum fluid mechanics, exact solutions of Navier-Stokes equations, creeping flows, laminar and turbulent boundary layers, exact and approximate solutions of the steady state boundary layer equations, boundary layer control, stability of laminar flows, transition, fundamentals of turbulent flows.
MEE712 Solar System Design [3-0, 3 cr.] The course covers fundamentals of solar energy and its utilization in photovoltaic (PV) systems. The solar PV systems, from cells to grids, are addressed, with a particular emphasis on the challenges of grid-integration of PV and the development of storage technologies. Projects assist students with understanding solar PV system layouts and costs, calculating PV system size, and identifying appropriate system design for a given electrical demand. The course explores economic considerations and return on investment, touching on solar PV system costs for residential and commercial use.
MEE713 Gas Turbines [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the design and performance of stationary and propulsion gas turbines.
MEE714 Computational Fluid Dynamics [3-0, 3 cr.] This course focuses on introducing variety of computational techniques for solving the equations governing the fluid motion, with special emphasis on finite difference and finite volume methods. Theoretical background will be covered with focus on accuracy and stability of numerical schemes, as well as their application in real fluid problems. Students are expected to write their own codes and employ commercial software such as ANSYS Fluent. Applications will cover compressible inviscid and incompressible viscous flows.
MEE717 Turbo Machinery [3-0, 3 cr.] This course introduces the basic principles of modern turbo machinery. Emphasis will be placed on the design of turbines, compressors, pumps and fans. Therefore, applications of the principle of the fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and aerodynamics are vital to this course.
MEE 718 Turbulence Modeling [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the basic definitions and characteristics of turbulent flows and provides an overview of concepts used in turbulence modeling. Topics include, Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations, turbulent scales, hierarchy of turbulence simulations, zero-equation and half-equation models, one-equation models, two-equation models, multi-equation and scale models, nonlinear mode/second-moment models, transition-sensitive models, Scale-Adaptive Simulation (SAS), Large Eddy Simulation (LES), Detached Eddy Simulation (DES), Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS). The course includes applications using commercial software such as ANSYS Fluent.
MEE 719 Piping Network and Fire Protection Systems [3-0, 3 cr.] This course concentrates on the design and calculations of pipe network, plumbing, and Fire-fighting systems including cold and hot water distribution for building and commercial applications, sanitary systems, rain water systems, sewer pumps and fire suppression systems… The course provides the ME students an opportunity to enhance and learn how to read and draw mechanical plans and specifications based on codes and standards. Troubleshooting techniques will also be introduced and special attention will be paid for fire-fighting techniques.
MEE720 Composite Materials [3-0, 3 cr.] Introduction to the Mechanics of Composite Materials: Fiber and Matrix Properties, Micro-and Macro-mechanics.
MEE721 Finite Element Methods [3-0, 3 cr.] This course introduces a numerical technique used in the solution of PDE governed problems. Applications cover: Solid Mechanics, Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Problems in 1D. The course provides an insight on the extension to 2D and 3D problems. Bar, Truss, Beam and Frame elements are covered in solid mechanics applications. Computer program development for the solution of 1D problems. Use of state of the art commercial finite element software (COMSOL Multiphysics).
MEE722 Innovative Engineering & Design [3-0, 3 cr.] In this course, you will learn the methodology behind producing great designs. You will learn to communicate with high emotional and intellectual impact. This course will begin with ideation, to design, to usability testing, and iterative design, before arriving at a product ready for commercialization.
MEE730 Lean Manufacturing [3-0, 3 cr.] This is an introduction course for all engineering disciplines. The course focuses on the concepts, principles, tools and techniques of Lean Manufacturing. Examples from the manufacturing environment and administrative functions will be utilized to explain key concepts.
MEE731 Six Sigma [3-0, 3 cr.] This is an introduction course for engineering disciplines. The course focuses on the concepts, principles, tools and techniques of Six Sigma. Examples from the manufacturing environment and administrative functions will be utilized to explain key concepts.
MEE732 Adv. Manuf. & AI [3-0, 3 cr.] New technologies are introduced in modern plants (as 3D Additive printing and Nano scale manufacturing). Most manufactured parts in industry require different quality parameters. The requirements are often to achieve the better quality with the least time and or cost. For that end, new manufacturing methods are becoming more and more commonly used. The course is a focus on New / Advanced and unconventional manufacturing . Other innovative/new trend manufacturing methods which are having interest will be covered, as : Nano scale manufacturing (& sensors). Now that we lie in an environment where sensors are present in our daily life, industries are realizing the importance of Nano scale, and how it can become a game changing strategy when considering manufacturing at this scale, and the benefits associated with it. Many manufacturers commonly agree that manufacturing will involve more and more 3D printing (additive manufacturing) in the near future. Currently major aerospace & some automotive manufacturers use such technologies, but also becoming more common for other industries as well. Therefore, it will be important to learn about the combination of Additive (3D printing) to Subtractive (Machining) to achieve manufacturing parts that will achieve the optimum design requirements. To help assist the complex process of new manufacturing methods AI (Artificial Intelligence, mainly fuzzy logic) will be introduced including implementation examples.
MEE735 Micro & Surface Engineering [3-0, 3 cr.] This course centers on the micro world of surface engineering science, emphasizing how modifying material surfaces at micro and nano scales can significantly enhance performance and durability. Techniques such as ceramic coating, micromachining, ultrasonics, and laser pulse treatment are employed to improve surface functionality. These approaches play a crucial role in the innovation of manufactured products at small scales. Applications span across high-tech sensor development, electronics, micro-engines, and hydrophobic surfaces, with relevance to various industries, including biomedical, electronics, aerospace, and ceramic coatings.
MEE 736 Plastics Manufacturing [3-0, 3 cr.] Introduction to polymeric materials; categories; morphologies; fillers and additives. Physical and Mechanical properties of plastics. Plastics Testing. Plastics processing: injection molding; extrusion; expansion; thermoforming; blow molding. Injection time cycle; shrinkage of molded plastics. Flow rate calculation of molten plastics. Single and twin screw extrusion. Extrusion screw elements. Metering flow rate in extrusion Rheology.
MEE740 Introduction to Robotics [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the fundamental concepts in Robotics such as coordinate transformation, forward and inverse kinematics, dynamics, Laplace transforms, equations of motion, feedback and feedforward control, and trajectory planning. It also covers End-of-arm sensing and introduce intelligent robots, including computer vision and introductory artificial Intelligence.
MEE741 Control of Electrified Vehicles [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the powertrain control of hybrid and electric vehicles. It entails a thorough understanding and analysis of the different vehicle energy needs and the power-split problem, and provides real-time-implementable energy management strategies and other optimal control strategies, using several numerical solutions based on dynamic programming and the maximum principle. Pre-requisites: MEE707 Advanced Powertrain Systems.
MEE 742 Smart Materials and Structures [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the operating principles and the constitutive modeling of smart materials including piezoceramics, magnetostrictives, shape memory alloys, magnetorheological fluids, and electroactive polymers. Constitutive and system-level modeling. Current approaches for designing and implementing smart structures in real-world applications will be reviewed.
MEE 743 Advanced Dynamics [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the kinematics and kinetics of particles, system of particles and rigid bodies. Linear and angular impulse and momentum. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods. Orbital motion. Euler angles.
MEE 744 Vehicle Motor Drives and Storage Systems [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the description and analysis of electric motor drives and energy storage systems for automotive applications. It provides an insight for system-level modeling of power electronic converters, electric machines, the various electrical loads as well as battery technology for conventional, hybrid and electric vehicle applications.
MEE 745 Theory of Vibration [3-0, 3 cr.]This course covers the theory of vibration of discrete and continuous systems. Fourier transform. Modal analysis. Linearization about a stable equilibrium point. Lagrange’s equation and d’Alembert’s principle.
MEE746 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos [3-0, 3 cr.]Introduction to nonlinear dynamics, with applications to physics, engineering, biology, and chemistry. Emphasizes analytical methods, concrete examples, and geometric thinking. Topics include one-dimensional systems; bifurcations; phase plane; nonlinear oscillators; and Lorenz equations, chaos, strange attractors, fractals, iterated mappings, period doubling.
MEE747 Robotics and Intelligent Systems [3-0, 3 cr.]This course introduces fundamental concepts in Robotics. The course discusses basic concepts, including coordinate transformation, kinematics, dynamics, Laplace transforms, equations of motion, feedback and feedforward control, and trajectory planning. These topics will be exemplified with MATLAB/Simulink simulation studies. The second part of the course will introduce intelligent robots, including computer vision and introductory artificial Intelligence.
MEE749 Automotive Dynamics [3-0, 3 cr.] Vehicle Classification; Longitudinal Vehicle Dynamics; Vehicle Load Transfer; Vehicle Acceleration Performance; Vehicle Braking Performance; Road Loads; Vehicle Aerodynamics; Tire Dynamics; Steady-State Cornering; Suspensions; Steering System.
MEE750 CAD of Adv.Mech Systems [3-0, 3 cr.] This course covers the use of advanced computer-aided design software packages, including systems for computer-aided drafting, solid modeling, finite element analysis, and computer-aided manufacturing, and design projects including: fabrication of physical prototypes generated with numerically controlled machines.
MEE760 Mechatronics System Design I [3-0, 3 cr.] This course introduces the basic mechatronic system components, design principles, and implementation combining hardware and software approaches with project-based learning. The course focuses on essential topics in mechatronics including electronics, sensors and actuators, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, mechanical and electrical drawings, programming of various digital controllers and processors widely used in robotics and industrial automation.
MEE761 Intro to Plant Design [3-0, 3 cr.] This is an introductory course to chemical plant design for mechanical engineers. The main objective of this course is to give mechanical engineers a survey of some of the methods and practices that chemical engineers employ in plant design. The course covers topics employed normally by chemical engineers for designing chemical plants, which include the structure of chemical processes, economic evaluation, process circuit analysis and some fundamental chemical engineering calculations, and an introduction to flowsheet synthesis. These concepts will be illustrated on some selected plant design case studies.
MEE762 Pump Design for Oil & Gas [3-0, 3 cr.] The design and operation of well fluid artificial lift systems, including: sucker rod pumping, progressing cavity pumps (PCPs), electric submersible pumps (ESPs), downhole hydraulic pumps, and gas lift.
MEE763 Mechatronics System Design II [3-0, 3 cr.] This course introduces design and real-time implementation principles of mechatronic systems combining hardware and software approaches with project-based learning. The course focuses on essential topics in mechatronics including advanced digital controllers, sensors and actuators, modeling and simulation of mechatronic systems as well as feedback control considering unconventional control techniques such as Fuzzy logic. The course also discusses modern trends in engineering and their integration in Mechatronics System Design.
MEE770 CFD for Wind Energy Engineering[3-0, 3 cr.] This is an introductory course to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques for modelling, simulating, and analyzing practical problems related to wind engineering. The course covers theoretical background associated with both CFD tools and wind turbines, including real-world applications using commercial software packages used in industry.
MEE780A Energy Stor. & Charging Sys. in Autom. App. [1-0, 1 cr.] This course introduces students to energy storage and charging systems in electric and electrified vehicle applications. It shows the market situation as of today and compares the different adopted storage technologies. The sizing of these storage systems is also detailed. Furthermore, this course shows the importance of the battery management system while focusing on battery cell balancing and battery pack thermal management. Charging systems are also covered in details. Finally, smart grid and vehicle to grid energy transfer concept is presented.
MEE780B Advanced Thermodynamics in Automobile [1-0, 1 cr.] This course offers an introduction to principles of exergy analysis applied for thermodynamic energy converters. Today, the extended range hybrid electric vehicle (EREV) powertrains, based on series hybrid electric powertrains offer the advantages of both thermal (long range, low cost) and electric (zero emissions, fun to drive, low maintenance cost) powertrains. The fuel consumption of this EREV depends mainly on the energy converter performances in terms of efficiency and power to weight ratio. In this course, we will apply exergy analysis to identify the best thermodynamic configurations for EREV. The study will be performed on gas turbine system since it offers many vehicles intrinsic benefits such as, series powertrain compatibility, multi fuel capability, low noise and vibrations, low maintenance cost, compactness among others.
MEE780C Vehicle Motor Drives [1-0, 1 cr.] This course offers an introduction to principles of electric machines and the closely related area of adjustable speed drives. Nowadays, the most widely used motors are classic direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) motors such as induction motor and synchronous motor. To control these motors efficiently, we will do a comprehensive study of fundamental operating principles and related control theories.
MEE791 Thesis [6-0, 6 cr.] This research-based thesis course involves independent work performed by students, and leading to original contribution to knowledge. Topic selection is to be agreed upon in consultation with a Faculty Advisor. The student is limited to one thesis course per degree. Pre-requisite: Consent of the instructor.
MEE799AM Tp: Industrial Refrigeration [3-0, 3 cr.] A course that examines the fundamentals of refrigeration systems adopted in industrial applications. Topics include multistage refrigeration cycles, compressors characterization and selection, compressors cooling and lubrication, evaporator coil performance and selection, humidity control, frosting and methods of defrost, performance of air and water-cooled condensers, balancing and solenoid valves selection and their impact on system performance.