Petroleum Engineering Program

BE in Petroleum Engineering

EAC logo

The Bachelor of Engineering degree program in Petroleum Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the commission’s General Criteria and Program Criteria for Petroleum Engineering.

ABET is the global accreditor of college and university programs in applied science, computing, engineering, and engineering technology.

ABET accreditation assures that programs meet standards to produce graduates ready to enter critical technical fields that are leading the way in innovation and emerging technologies, and anticipating the welfare and safety needs of the public.

Lebanon is located in the heart of the oil production region, and it is certainly bound to become a petroleum producing country. A Petroleum engineer is surely expected to oversee the entire process of fuel extraction from the exploration phase until the drill rig is removed.

The PTE Program at LAU has been designed to equip the students with the fundamental skills required to achieve lifelong professional growth. The BE program covers the areas of well exploration and evaluation, well drilling and production phase, process engineering and life cycle management of wells, as well as the economics of petroleum and its regulations. The program provides a special emphasis on Natural Gas which is the most dominant type of hydrocarbon fuel in Lebanon.

The courses are structured to combine a sound theoretical foundation, experimentation, engineering judgment, application to case studies, and engineering design. Computer simulation and computer controls are highly emphasized through the curriculum. Petroleum engineers increasingly use advanced computers, not only in the analysis of exploration data and simulation of reservoir behavior, but also in automation of oilfield production and drilling operations. Students will be able to integrate professional, ethical, and environmental considerations into Petroleum Engineering design and problem solving and develop the ability to communicate engineering results effectively.

The students will learn through active and experiential learning as they will be exposed to rich hands-on experience through several laboratory sessions and field experiences.


The mission of the PTE Program is to provide a quality education in Petroleum Engineering that combines theory and practice for undergraduate students and to satisfy industry demand for graduates with special education in the oil and gas industries and help graduates enter the market force or pursue further education at the graduate level.

Program Educational Objectives

Within a few years of graduation, the graduates of the PTE Program will:

  1. Achieve success in their chosen career path be it professional practice or graduate studies.
  2. Be responsible citizen engineers.
  3. Practice the profession as demonstrated by continued professional employment, job promotion, and expanding career responsibility.

Student outcomes

The students will acquire in their matriculation through the program, the following skills, knowledge, and behaviors::

  1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
  3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
  5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Student Data

Enrollment Data BE
Academic Year


Graduation Data BE
Academic Year

Curriculum before Fall 2017

First year


Number Course Cr
MTH201 Calculus III 3
CHM201 Chemical Principles 3
CIE200 Statics 3
PTE200 Introduction to Petroleum Engineering 3
COE201 Computer Proficiency 1
ENG202 Advanced Academic English 3


Number Course Cr
ARA2—/3— Arabic Language / Literature 3
CIE202 Mechanics of Materials 3
MTH206 Calculus IV 3
MEE241 Dynamics 3
PTE204 Geology for Petroleum Engineers 3
HLT201 Basic Health 1
MEE211 Engineering Graphics 1


Number Course Cr
COM203 Art of Public Communication 3
—- —- Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective 3

Second year


Number Course Cr
CIE302 Structural Analysis I 3
CIE303 Structural Analysis - SOFT 1
MEE301 Thermodynamics 3
PTE320 Reservoir Petrophysics 3
PTE321 Petroleum Engineering Lab 1
GNE331 Probability and Statistics 3
INE320 Engineering Economy 3


Number Course Cr
PTE310 Transport Processes Through Porous Media 3
PTE322 Fundamental of Reservoir Engineering 3
PTE330 Well Drilling 3
PTE331 Drilling Fluids -LAB 1
PTE340 Financial Management of Engineered Assets 3
CIE320 Fluid Mechanics 3
CIE321 Fluid Mechanics Lab 1


Number Course Cr
GNE301 Professional Communication 2
MTH304 Differential Equations 3
ETH201 Moral Reasoning 1
—— Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective 3

Third year


Number Course Cr
PTE431 Fundamentals of Well Test Analysis 3
PTE470 Petroleum Engineering Design 3
PTE432 Well Logging and Formation Evaluation 3
PTE450 Introduction to Process Engineering 3
PTE441 Petroleum Leasing Regulations and Practices 3
GNE305 Professional Ethics 1


Number Course Cr
PTE451 Petroleum Production Engineering 3
PTE452 Petroleum Production - LAB 1
PTE471 The Petroleum Engineering Profession 2
PTE472 Modeling and Computer Applications 3
PTE460 Natural Gas Engineering 3
PTE461 Natural Gas - LAB 1
PTE—- Technical Elective 3


Number Course Cr
PTE498 Professional Experience 6

Fourth year


Number Course Cr
PTE543 Life Cycle and Risk Management 3
PTE573 Detailing for Petroleum Engineers 2
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
PED2— Physical Education 1
—- —- Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective 3


Number Course Cr
PTE499 Capstone Design Project 3
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
—- —- Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective 3

Technical electives

Number Course Cr
PTE510 Structural Engineering of Offshore Platforms 3
PTE511 Fundamentals of Subsurface Environmental Engineering 3
PTE512 Fixed offshore Structures 3
PTE513 Piping Systems 3
PTE514 Offshore Development Practices 3
PTE515 Thermal recovery 3
PTE516 Process Control and Instrumentation 3
PTE517 Industrial Process Management 3
PTE523 Advanced Reservoir engineering 3
PTE524 Reservoir Simulation 3
PTE533 Advanced Drilling Engineering 3
PTE534 Advanced Well Test Analysis 3
PTE544 Petroleum Project Evaluation 3
PTE545 Energy Finance 3
PTE553 Advanced Production Mechanics 3
PTE563 Unconventional oil exploitation 3
PTE564 Unconventional gas exploitation 3
PTE565 Water Flooding and Enhanced Oil Recovery 3
PTE574 Artificial Lift Design 3
PTE599 Directed Studies in Petroleum Engineering 3
PTE600 Topics 3
or any other Technical Elective course approved by the Program Steering Committee.
Note that all Technical Electives courses require at least senior standing in addition to their relevant prerequisites

Signature Course Electives

  • GNE335 Intro. to Sustainable Engineering
  • GNE337 Introduction to Virtual Reality
  • GNE340 Engineering Entrepreneurship
  • GNE345 Civic Engagement for Engineers
  • GNE430 Management Consulting for Engineers

Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives - 12 credits

The 12 credits of Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives should be taken according to Curriculum A as described below:

  1. Fine Arts, Communication Arts, Music Appreciation, Theater (3 credits)
  2. Cultural Studies, History, Philosophy, Religion (3 credits)
  3. English, Arabic Language, Literature (3 credits)
  4. Social Sciences (3 credits)

A list of courses for each of the above categories can be found here

Curriculum effective Fall 2017

First year


Number Course Cr
MTH201 Calculus III 3
CHM205 Fundamentals of Chemistry 3
CIE200 Statics 3
PTE200 Introduction to Petroleum Engineering 3
COE201 Computer Proficiency 1
ENG202 Advanced Academic English 3


Number Course Cr
CIE202 Mechanics of Materials 3
MTH206 Calculus IV 3
MEE241 Dynamics 3
PTE204 Geology for Petroleum Engineers 3
—- —- Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective 3


Number Course Cr
MTH304 Differential Equations 3
GNE331 Probability and Statistics 3
—- —- Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective 3

Second year


Number Course Cr
CIE302 Structural Analysis I 3
CIE303 Structural Analysis - SOFT 1
CIE320 Fluid Mechanics 3
CIE321 Fluid Mechanics Lab 1
MEE301 Thermodynamics 3
PTE320 Reservoir Petrophysics 3
PTE321 Petroleum Engineering Lab 1
INE320 Engineering Economy 3


Number Course Cr
PTE310 Transport Processes Through Porous Media 3
PTE322 Fundamental of Reservoir Engineering 3
PTE330 Well Drilling 3
PTE331 Drilling Fluids -LAB 1
PTE340 Financial Management of Engineered Assets 3
COM203 Art of Public Communication 3


Number Course Cr
GNE301 Professional Communication 2
—— Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective 3
—— Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective 3

Third year


Number Course Cr
PTE431 Fundamentals of Well Test Analysis 3
PTE470 Petroleum Engineering Design 3
PTE432 Well Logging and Formation Evaluation 3
PTE450 Introduction to Process Engineering 3
PTE441 Petroleum Leasing Regulations and Practices 3
GNE303 Engineering Ethics 2


Number Course Cr
PTE451 Petroleum Production Engineering 3
PTE452 Petroleum Production - LAB 1
PTE471 The Petroleum Engineering Profession 2
PTE472 Modeling and Computer Applications 3
PTE460 Natural Gas Engineering 3
PTE461 Natural Gas - LAB 1
PTE—- Technical Elective 3


Number Course Cr
PTE498 Professional Experience 6

Fourth year


Number Course Cr
PTE543 Life Cycle and Risk Management 3
PTE573 Detailing for Petroleum Engineers 2
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
—- —- SoE Signature Course 3


Number Course Cr
PTE499 Capstone Design Project 3
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
—- —- SoE Signature Course 3

VIP Courses

Students interested in the Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) program can register VIP courses that could count towards their degree as per the below list:

Current course Substituted by/VIP credits
SOE signature course [3–0, 3 cr.] Vertically Integrated Project
Technical Elective [3–0, 3 cr.]

URE Courses

Students interested in the Undergraduate Research Experience (URE) program can register URE courses that could count towards their degree as per the below list:

Current course Substituted by/URE credits
SOE signature course [3–0, 3 cr.] Undergraduate Research Experience
Technical Elective [3–0, 3 cr.]

Technical electives

Number Course Cr
PTE510 Structural Engineering of Offshore Platforms 3
PTE511 Fundamentals of Subsurface Environmental Engineering 3
PTE512 Fixed offshore Structures 3
PTE513 Piping Systems 3
PTE514 Offshore Development Practices 3
PTE515 Thermal recovery 3
PTE516 Process Control and Instrumentation 3
PTE517 Industrial Process Management 3
PTE523 Advanced Reservoir engineering 3
PTE524 Reservoir Simulation 3
PTE533 Advanced Drilling Engineering 3
PTE534 Advanced Well Test Analysis 3
PTE544 Petroleum Project Evaluation 3
PTE545 Energy Finance 3
PTE553 Advanced Production Mechanics 3
PTE563 Unconventional oil exploitation 3
PTE564 Unconventional gas exploitation 3
PTE565 Water Flooding and Enhanced Oil Recovery 3
PTE574 Artificial Lift Design 3
PTE594 Undergraduate Research Project 3
PTE599 Directed Studies in Petroleum Engineering 3
PTE600 Topics 3
or any other Technical Elective course approved by the Program Steering Committee.
Note that all Technical Electives courses require at least senior standing in addition to their relevant prerequisites

Signature Course Electives

  • GNE335 Intro. to Sustainable Engineering
  • GNE337 Introduction to Virtual Reality
  • GNE340 Engineering Entrepreneurship
  • GNE345 Civic Engagement for Engineers
  • GNE430 Management Consulting for Engineers

Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives - 12 credits

  1. For students entering the program in Fall 2022 or after, the 12 credits of Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives should be taken according to Curriculum Z as described below:
    1. Digital Cultures (3 credits)
    2. Change Makers (6 credits)
    3. LAS Free Elective, Arts & Humanities (3 credits)

A list of courses for each of the above categories can be found here

  1. For students entering the program prior to Fall 2022, the 12 credits of Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives should be taken according to Curriculum A as described below:
    1. Fine Arts, Communication Arts, Music Appreciation, Theater (3 credits)
    2. Cultural Studies, History, Philosophy, Religion (3 credits)
    3. English, Arabic Language, Literature (3 credits)
    4. Social Sciences (3 credits)

A list of courses for each of the above categories can be found here

Curriculum effective Fall 2023

First year


Number Course Cr
MTH201 Calculus III 3
CHM205 Fundamentals of Chemistry 3
CHM005 Preparatory Chemistry 0
CIE200 Statics 3
PTE200 Introduction to Petroleum Engineering 3
COE201 Computer Proficiency 1
ENG202 Advanced Academic English 3


Number Course Cr
CIE202 Mechanics of Materials 3
MTH206 Calculus IV 3
MEE241 Dynamics 3
PTE204 Geology for Petroleum Engineers 3
—- —- Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective 3


Number Course Cr
MTH304 Differential Equations 3
GNE331 Probability and Statistics 3
—- —- Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective 3

Second year


Number Course Cr
CIE302 Structural Analysis I 3
CIE303 Structural Analysis - SOFT 1
CIE320 Fluid Mechanics 3
CIE321 Fluid Mechanics Lab 1
MEE301 Thermodynamics 3
PTE320 Reservoir Petrophysics 3
PTE321 Petroleum Engineering Lab 1
INE320 Engineering Economy 3


Number Course Cr
PTE310 Transport Processes Through Porous Media 3
PTE322 Fundamental of Reservoir Engineering 3
PTE330 Well Drilling 3
PTE331 Drilling Fluids -LAB 1
PTE340 Financial Management of Engineered Assets 3
COM203 Art of Public Communication 3


Number Course Cr
GNE301 Professional Communication 2
—— Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective 3
—— Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective 3

Third year


Number Course Cr
PTE431 Fundamentals of Well Test Analysis 3
PTE470 Petroleum Engineering Design 3
PTE432 Well Logging and Formation Evaluation 3
PTE450 Introduction to Process Engineering 3
PTE441 Petroleum Leasing Regulations and Practices 3
GNE303 Engineering Ethics 2


Number Course Cr
PTE451 Petroleum Production Engineering 3
PTE452 Petroleum Production - LAB 1
PTE471 The Petroleum Engineering Profession 2
PTE472 Modeling and Computer Applications 3
PTE460 Natural Gas Engineering 3
PTE461 Natural Gas - LAB 1
PTE—- Technical Elective 3


Number Course Cr
PTE498 Professional Experience 6

Fourth year


Number Course Cr
PTE543 Life Cycle and Risk Management 3
PTE573 Detailing for Petroleum Engineers 2
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
—- —- SoE Signature Course 3


Number Course Cr
PTE499 Capstone Design Project 3
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
—- —- SoE Signature Course 3

VIP Courses

Students interested in the Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) program can register VIP courses that could count towards their degree as per the below list:

Current course Substituted by/VIP credits
SOE signature course [3–0, 3 cr.] Vertically Integrated Project
Technical Elective [3–0, 3 cr.]

URE Courses

Students interested in the Undergraduate Research Experience (URE) program can register URE courses that could count towards their degree as per the below list:

Current course Substituted by/URE credits
SOE signature course [3–0, 3 cr.] Undergraduate Research Experience
Technical Elective [3–0, 3 cr.]

Technical electives

Number Course Cr
PTE510 Structural Engineering of Offshore Platforms 3
PTE511 Fundamentals of Subsurface Environmental Engineering 3
PTE512 Fixed offshore Structures 3
PTE513 Piping Systems 3
PTE514 Offshore Development Practices 3
PTE515 Thermal recovery 3
PTE516 Process Control and Instrumentation 3
PTE517 Industrial Process Management 3
PTE523 Advanced Reservoir engineering 3
PTE524 Reservoir Simulation 3
PTE533 Advanced Drilling Engineering 3
PTE534 Advanced Well Test Analysis 3
PTE544 Petroleum Project Evaluation 3
PTE545 Energy Finance 3
PTE553 Advanced Production Mechanics 3
PTE563 Unconventional oil exploitation 3
PTE564 Unconventional gas exploitation 3
PTE565 Water Flooding and Enhanced Oil Recovery 3
PTE574 Artificial Lift Design 3
PTE594 Undergraduate Research Project 3
PTE599 Directed Studies in Petroleum Engineering 3
PTE600 Topics 3
or any other Technical Elective course approved by the Program Steering Committee.
Note that all Technical Electives courses require at least senior standing in addition to their relevant prerequisites

Signature Course Electives

  • GNE335 Intro. to Sustainable Engineering
  • GNE337 Introduction to Virtual Reality
  • GNE340 Engineering Entrepreneurship
  • GNE345 Civic Engagement for Engineers
  • GNE430 Management Consulting for Engineers

Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives - 12 credits

  1. For students entering the program in Fall 2022 or after, the 12 credits of Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives should be taken according to Curriculum Z as described below:
    1. Digital Cultures (3 credits)
    2. Change Makers (6 credits)
    3. LAS Free Elective, Arts & Humanities (3 credits)

A list of courses for each of the above categories can be found here

  1. For students entering the program prior to Fall 2022, the 12 credits of Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives should be taken according to Curriculum A as described below:
    1. Fine Arts, Communication Arts, Music Appreciation, Theater (3 credits)
    2. Cultural Studies, History, Philosophy, Religion (3 credits)
    3. English, Arabic Language, Literature (3 credits)
    4. Social Sciences (3 credits)

A list of courses for each of the above categories can be found here

Curriculum effective Fall 2024

First year


Number Course Cr
MTH201 Calculus III 3
CHM201 Chemical Principles 3
CIE200 Statics 3
PTE200 Introduction to Petroleum Engineering 3
COE201 Computer Proficiency 1
ENG202 Advanced Academic English 3


Number Course Cr
CIE202 Mechanics of Materials 3
MTH206 Calculus IV 3
CHE200 Introduction to Chemical Engineering 3
PTE212 Programming for Petroleum Engineers 3
—- —- Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective 3


Number Course Cr
MTH304 Differential Equations 3
GNE331 Probability and Statistics 3
—- —- Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective 3

Second year


Number Course Cr
CIE302 Structural Analysis I 3
CIE303 Structural Analysis - SOFT 1
CIE320 Fluid Mechanics 3
CIE321 Fluid Mechanics Lab 1
MEE301 Thermodynamics 3
PTE320 Reservoir Petrophysics 3
PTE321 Petroleum Engineering Lab 1
COM203 Art of Public Communication 3


Number Course Cr
PTE310 Transport Processes Through Porous Media 3
PTE322 Fundamental of Reservoir Engineering 3
PTE330 Well Drilling 3
PTE331 Drilling Fluids -LAB 1
PTE340 Financial Management of Engineered Assets 3
INE320 Engineering Economy 3


Number Course Cr
GNE301 Professional Communication 2
—— Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective 3
—— Liberal Arts and Sciences Elective 3

Third year


Number Course Cr
PTE431 Fundamentals of Well Test Analysis 3
PTE432 Well Logging and Formation Evaluation 3
PTE441 Petroleum Leasing Regulations and Practices 3
PTE470 Petroleum Engineering Design 3
GNE303 Engineering Ethics 2
CIE594 Life Cycle Assessment 2
CIE595 Life Cycle Assessment - SOFT 1


Number Course Cr
PTE451 Petroleum Production Engineering 3
PTE452 Petroleum Production - LAB 1
PTE471 The Petroleum Engineering Profession 2
PTE472 Modeling and Computer Applications 3
PTE460 Natural Gas Engineering 3
PTE461 Natural Gas - LAB 1
PTE—- Technical Elective 3


Number Course Cr
PTE498 Professional Experience 6

Fourth year


Number Course Cr
PTE541 Carbon Capture, Storage, and Utilization 3
PTE573 Detailing for Petroleum Engineers 2
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
—- —- SoE Signature Course 3


Number Course Cr
PTE499 Capstone Design Project 3
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
PTE —- Technical Elective 3
—- —- SoE Signature Course 3

VIP Courses

Students interested in the Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) program can register VIP courses that could count towards their degree as per the below list:

Current course Substituted by/VIP credits
SOE signature course [3–0, 3 cr.] Vertically Integrated Project
Technical Elective [3–0, 3 cr.]

URE Courses

Students interested in the Undergraduate Research Experience (URE) program can register URE courses that could count towards their degree as per the below list:

Current course Substituted by/URE credits
SOE signature course [3–0, 3 cr.] Undergraduate Research Experience
Technical Elective [3–0, 3 cr.]

Technical electives

Number Course Cr
PTE510 Structural Engineering of Offshore Platforms 3
PTE511 Fundamentals of Subsurface Environmental Engineering 3
PTE512 Fixed offshore Structures 3
PTE513 Piping Systems 3
PTE514 Offshore Development Practices 3
PTE515 Thermal recovery 3
PTE516 Process Control and Instrumentation 3
PTE517 Industrial Process Management 3
PTE523 Advanced Reservoir engineering 3
PTE524 Reservoir Simulation 3
PTE533 Advanced Drilling Engineering 3
PTE534 Advanced Well Test Analysis 3
PTE544 Petroleum Project Evaluation 3
PTE545 Energy Finance 3
PTE553 Advanced Production Mechanics 3
PTE563 Unconventional oil exploitation 3
PTE564 Unconventional gas exploitation 3
PTE565 Water Flooding and Enhanced Oil Recovery 3
PTE574 Artificial Lift Design 3
PTE594 Undergraduate Research Project 3
PTE599 Directed Studies in Petroleum Engineering 3
PTE600 Topics 3
or any other Technical Elective course approved by the Program Steering Committee.
Note that all Technical Electives courses require at least senior standing in addition to their relevant prerequisites

Signature Course Electives

  • GNE335 Intro. to Sustainable Engineering
  • GNE337 Introduction to Virtual Reality
  • GNE340 Engineering Entrepreneurship
  • GNE345 Civic Engagement for Engineers
  • GNE430 Management Consulting for Engineers

Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives - 12 credits

  1. For students entering the program in Fall 2022 or after, the 12 credits of Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives should be taken according to Curriculum Z as described below:
    1. Digital Cultures (3 credits)
    2. Change Makers (6 credits)
    3. LAS Free Elective, Arts & Humanities (3 credits)

A list of courses for each of the above categories can be found here

  1. For students entering the program prior to Fall 2022, the 12 credits of Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives should be taken according to Curriculum A as described below:
    1. Fine Arts, Communication Arts, Music Appreciation, Theater (3 credits)
    2. Cultural Studies, History, Philosophy, Religion (3 credits)
    3. English, Arabic Language, Literature (3 credits)
    4. Social Sciences (3 credits)

A list of courses for each of the above categories can be found here

Teaching the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Number of courses in the Petroleum Engineering Program that relate to each of the United Nations 17 SDG

















Course Map

Please click here to view Course Map effective Fall 2023.
Please click here to view Course Map effective Fall 2022.
Please click here to view Course Map Fall 2021 - Summer 2022.
Please click here to view Course Map Fall 2019 - Summer 2021.
Please click here to view Course Map Fall 2017 - Summer 2019.
Students who began their degree before Fall 2017 please click here to view Course Map.