Mechatronics Engineering Program

BE in Mechatronics Engineering ENPMED Track*

The School of Engineering offers an Engineering Pre-Med (ENPMED) track as part of all its undergraduate programs.

The fast advancements in the medical and health professions has exerted additional pressure on practitioners to acquire a better understanding of the underlying technologies. Due to the growing use of technologies for medicine and health, there is a growing interest among students who pursue medical degrees and health related degrees, to acquire a strong engineering background prior to joining medical and health-related professions. This need presents an opportunity for the SOE to bridge this gap by providing students with an option of acquiring a BE in engineering with a PreMed track, referred to herein as Engineering PreMED (ENPMED). ENPMED credits are integrated within each curriculum based on a different mix of credits depending on each degree program requirements.

The offered ENPMED track provides an opportunity for engineering students to apply to Medical School and pursue an MD degree, or pursue graduate studies in the biomedical and health related fields, or work in their chosen major after receiving their Bachelor of Engineering degree.

Curriculum effective Fall 2022

First year


Number Course Cr
MTH201 Calculus III 3
MTH207 Discrete Structures I 3
PHY201 Electricity and Magnetism 4
CIE200 Statics 3
COE201 Computer Proficiency 1
ENG202 Advanced Academic English 3


Number Course Cr
BIO201 General Biology I 3
BIO201B General Biology I Lab 1
MTH304 Differential Equations 3
MEE241 Dynamics 3
MEE211 Engineering Graphics 1
COE211 Computer Programming 4
ELE201 Electrical Circuits I 3


Number Course Cr
CHM201 Chemical Principles 3
MTH206 Calculus IV 3
GNE331 Probability and Statistics 3

Second year


Number Course Cr
ELE302 Electrical Circuits II 3
ELE303 Electrical Circuits II - Lab 1
MEE321 Material Properties and Processes 3
COE312 Data Structures 3
COE321 Logic Design 3
GNE301 Professional Communication 2
CHM311 Organic Chemistry I 3


Number Course Cr
ELE401 Electronics I 3
ELE402 Electronics I - Lab 1
ELE430 Signals and Systems 3
COE313 Data Structures - Lab 1
COE322 Logic Design - Lab 1
COE323 Microprocessors 3
MEE391 Instrumentation and Measurements 3
MEE320 Strength of Material 3


Number Course Cr
—- LAS Elective* 3
—- LAS Elective* 3
COM203 Art of Public Communication 3

Third year


Number Course Cr
ELE442 Control Systems 3
ELE443 Control Systems - Lab 1
MEE311 Fluid Mechanics 3
MEE312 Fluid Mechanics - Lab 1
MEE351 Computer Aided Design 3
GNE303 Engineeringl Ethics 2
COE324 Microprocessors - Lab 1
BIO321 Genetics 3


Number Course Cr
MEE341 Kinematics of Machines 3
MEE422 Mechanical Engineering Design 3
MCE301 Electromechanics 3
MCE— Technical Elective 3
BIO260 Human Anatomy and Physiology 3
BCH300 Essentials of Biochemistry 3


Number Course Cr
MCE498 Professional Experience 6

Fourth year


Number Course Cr
MEE301 Thermodynamics 3
MCE591 Capstone Design Project I 3
MCE— Technical Elective 3
MCE— Technical Elective 3
INE320 Engineering Economy 3
MCE410 Mechatronics System Design I 3


Number Course Cr
INE428 Project Management 3
MCE— Technical Elective 3
MCE411 Mechatronics System Design II 3
MCE592 Capstone Design Project II 3
—- LAS Elective* 3
—- LAS Elective* 3

Summer (recommended)

Number Course Cr
PSY201 Introduction to Psychology 3
SOC201 Introduction to Sociology 3

*While sitting for the MCAT entrance exams does not require candidates to have taken any particular liberal arts course, some questions may require knowledge of psychology and sociology. It is therefore recommended that students in the pre-med track take PSY201 Intro to Psychology and SOC201 Intro to Sociology to increase their chances of passing the MCAT. These courses do not count towards meeting the university requirements of Liberal Arts and Science Curriculum, and thus they will need to be taken above and beyond the required 12 credits of LASC electives.

Technical electives

Number Course Cr
MCE Electives *
MCE540 Biomechatronics 3
MCE550 Robotics and Intelligent Systems 3
MCE552 Computer Vision and Image Processing 3
Electives from ELE
ELE501 Microelectronics 3
ELE520 Electricity Markets & Renewable Energy 3
ELE521 Electrical Energy Storage Systems  3
ELE526 Renewable Energy Sources 3
ELE535 Information and Coding Theory 3
ELE537 Communication Systems 3
ELE553 Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems 3
ELE557 Simulation of Electronics Circuits 3
Electives from MEE:
MEE403 Heat Transfer 3
MEE442 Mechanical Vibrations 3
MEE502 / MEE599H Passive Building Design 3
MEE549 Automotive Dynamics 3
MEE505 Solar System Design 3
MEE520 Composite of Materials 3
MEE599AP Emerging Technologies & Modern Materials 3
Electives from COE
COE414 Operating Systems 3
COE415 Computer Programming II 3
COE416 Software Engineering 3
COE418 Database Systems 3
COE423 Computer Architecture 3
COE424 Digital Systems 3
COE431 Computer Networks 3
COE529 Testing for Digital Integrated Circuits 3
COE543 Intelligent Data Processing and Applications 3
COE544 Intelligent Engineering Algorithms 3
COE545 Information Security 3
COE546 Machine Learning 3
COE547 Deep Learning 3
COE554 Computer Vision and Deep Learning 3
COE593 COE Application 3
COE599E Topics: Programming for Data Science 3
or any other approved technical elective course by the department

Signature Course Electives

  • GNE335 Intro. to Sustainable Engineering
  • GNE337 Introduction to Virtual Reality
  • GNE340 Engineering Entrepreneurship
  • GNE345 Civic Engagement for Engineers
  • GNE430 Management Consulting for Engineers

Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives - 12 credits

  1. For students entering the program in Fall 2022 or after, the 12 credits of Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives should be taken according to Curriculum Z as described below:
    1. Digital Cultures (3 credits)
    2. Change Makers (6 credits)
    3. LAS Free Elective, Arts & Humanities (3 credits)

A list of courses for each of the above categories can be found here


  1. For students entering the program prior to Fall 2022, the 12 credits of Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives should be taken according to Curriculum A as described below:
    1. Fine Arts, Communication Arts, Music Appreciation, Theater (3 credits)
    2. Cultural Studies, History, Philosophy, Religion (3 credits)
    3. English, Arabic Language, Literature (3 credits)
    4. Social Sciences (3 credits)

A list of courses for each of the above categories can be found here

Curriculum effective Fall 2023

First year


Number Course Cr
MTH201 Calculus III 3
MTH207 Discrete Structures I 3
PHY201 Electricity and Magnetism 3
CIE200 Statics 3
COE201 Computer Proficiency 1
ENG202 Advanced Academic English 3
—- Free Elective 1


Number Course Cr
BIO201 General Biology I 3
BIO201B General Biology I Lab 1
MTH304 Differential Equations 3
MEE241 Dynamics 3
MEE211 Engineering Graphics 1
COE211 Computer Programming 4
CHM201 Chemical Principles 3


Number Course Cr
—- LAS Elective* 3
MTH206 Calculus IV 3
GNE331 Probability and Statistics 3

Second year


Number Course Cr
ELE300 Electric Circuits 3
ELE303 Electrical Circuits II - Lab 1
MEE321 Material Properties and Processes 3
COE312 Data Structures 3
COE321 Logic Design 3
GNE301 Professional Communication 2
CHM311 Organic Chemistry I 3


Number Course Cr
ELE401 Electronics I 3
ELE402 Electronics I - Lab 1
ELE430 Signals and Systems 3
COE313 Data Structures - Lab 1
COE322 Logic Design - Lab 1
COE323 Microprocessors 3
MEE391 Instrumentation and Measurements 3
MEE320 Strength of Material 3


Number Course Cr
—- LAS Elective* 3
—- LAS Elective* 3
COM203 Art of Public Communication 3

Third year


Number Course Cr
ELE442 Control Systems 3
ELE443 Control Systems - Lab 1
MEE311 Fluid Mechanics 3
MEE312 Fluid Mechanics - Lab 1
MEE351 Computer Aided Design 3
GNE303 Engineering Ethics 2
COE324 Microprocessors - Lab 1
BIO321 Genetics 3


Number Course Cr
MEE341 Kinematics of Machines 3
MEE422 Mechanical Engineering Design 3
MCE301 Electromechanics 3
MCE— Technical Elective 3
BIO260 Human Anatomy and Physiology 3
BCH300 Essentials of Biochemistry 3


Number Course Cr
MCE498 Professional Experience 6

Fourth year


Number Course Cr
MEE301 Thermodynamics 3
MCE591 Capstone Design Project I 3
ELE501 Microelectronics 3
MCE— Technical Elective 3
INE320 Engineering Economy 3
MCE410 Mechatronics System Design I 3


Number Course Cr
INE428 Project Management 3
MCE— Technical Elective 3
MCE411 Mechatronics System Design II 3
MCE592 Capstone Design Project II 3
MCE— Technical Elective 3
—- LAS Elective* 3

Summer (recommended)

Number Course Cr
PSY201 Introduction to Psychology 3
SOC201 Introduction to Sociology 3

*While sitting for the MCAT entrance exams does not require candidates to have taken any particular liberal arts course, some questions may require knowledge of psychology and sociology. It is therefore recommended that students in the pre-med track take PSY201 Intro to Psychology and SOC201 Intro to Sociology to increase their chances of passing the MCAT. These courses do not count towards meeting the university requirements of Liberal Arts and Science Curriculum, and thus they will need to be taken above and beyond the required 12 credits of LASC electives.

Technical electives

Number Course Cr
MCE Electives *
MCE540 Biomechatronics 3
MCE550 Robotics and Intelligent Systems 3
MCE552 Computer Vision and Image Processing 3
Electives from ELE
ELE520 Electricity Markets & Renewable Energy 3
ELE521 Electrical Energy Storage Systems  3
ELE526 Renewable Energy Sources 3
ELE535 Information and Coding Theory 3
ELE537 Communication Systems 3
ELE553 Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems 3
ELE557 Simulation of Electronics Circuits 3
Electives from MEE:
MEE403 Heat Transfer 3
MEE442 Mechanical Vibrations 3
MEE502 / MEE599H Passive Building Design 3
MEE549 Automotive Dynamics 3
MEE505 Solar System Design 3
MEE520 Composite of Materials 3
MEE599AP Emerging Technologies & Modern Materials 3
Electives from COE
COE414 Operating Systems 3
COE415 Computer Programming II 3
COE416 Software Engineering 3
COE418 Database Systems 3
COE423 Computer Architecture 3
COE424 Digital Systems 3
COE431 Computer Networks 3
COE529 Testing for Digital Integrated Circuits 3
COE543 Intelligent Data Processing and Applications 3
COE544 Intelligent Engineering Algorithms 3
COE545 Information Security 3
COE546 Machine Learning 3
COE547 Deep Learning 3
COE554 Computer Vision and Deep Learning 3
COE593 COE Application 3
COE599E Topics: Programming for Data Science 3
or any other approved technical elective course by the department

Signature Course Electives

  • GNE335 Intro. to Sustainable Engineering
  • GNE337 Introduction to Virtual Reality
  • GNE340 Engineering Entrepreneurship
  • GNE345 Civic Engagement for Engineers
  • GNE430 Management Consulting for Engineers

Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives - 12 credits

  1. For students entering the program in Fall 2022 or after, the 12 credits of Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives should be taken according to Curriculum Z as described below:
    1. Digital Cultures (3 credits)
    2. Change Makers (6 credits)
    3. LAS Free Elective, Arts & Humanities (3 credits)

A list of courses for each of the above categories can be found here


  1. For students entering the program prior to Fall 2022, the 12 credits of Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives should be taken according to Curriculum A as described below:
    1. Fine Arts, Communication Arts, Music Appreciation, Theater (3 credits)
    2. Cultural Studies, History, Philosophy, Religion (3 credits)
    3. English, Arabic Language, Literature (3 credits)
    4. Social Sciences (3 credits)

A list of courses for each of the above categories can be found here

Course Map

Please click here to view Course Map effective Fall 2022.

*The ENPMED Track is neither a separate degree program nor a specialization within the degree program; it is rather the same engineering major(s) with the addition of the pre-med path. This path allows engineering students organized access to courses required for application to most medical schools while completing their accredited engineering degree.